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=------------ THE BEST LIBRARY 2.32 ------------=
=---------------------- 292 PURE ASSEMBLER FUNCTIONS -----------------------=
=---------------------- 68 C CODED ROUTINES -----------------------=
=---------------------- -----------------------=
=---------------------- TOTAL: 360 FUNCTIONS -----------------------=
DOCUMENT LAST UPDATED 94/09/11 Sunday, September 11, 1994
If you find this library useful, please let me know. I like hearing that my
efforts are appreciated.
You can contact me via email: vanous@helix.net
or call me at (604)589-2675 or write to me: George Vanous
8930 Watson Court
Delta, BC
V4C 4T6
NOTE This library will no longer be updated, since C is quickly being
replaced by C++. The BESTLibrary++ 1.0 will soon be released, an
object version of The BESTLibrary 2.32. As of today, it contains full
support for 2D AND 3D rotation/scaling, timing classes, and text mode
windowing classes, to mention a few. Let me know if you are interested
in obtaining the demo .EXE of what it can currently do.
This library covers the following categories:
FILE 8 functions TEXT 33 functions
INI FILE 9 functions ANIMATION 0 functions
KEYBOARD 42 functions ATTRIBUTE 8 functions
LINKED LIST 4 functions CHARACTER 16 functions
MATH 13 functions CURSOR 23 functions
MATRIX 18 functions GET 5 functions
2D VECTORS 17 functions STRING 8 functions
3D VECTORS 17 functions WINDOW 4 functions
MISCELLANEOUS 9 functions VGA 3 functions
MOUSE 13 functions VGA16 17 functions
STRING 73 functions ANIMATION 4 functions
CHARACTER 15 functions IMAGE 1 function
CONVERSION 4 functions COMPRESS IMAGE 10 functions
PIXEL IMAGE 7 functions
PLANE IMAGE 8 functions
VGA256 2 functions
B - changes in other functions have made this function unusable (temporary)
X - still under development
------------------------------------ FILE --------------------------------------
fil_count...........display the number of executions and some message
fil_count_reg.......same as "counter" except this is used for registered copies
fil_len.............return the length of a file, in bytes
fil_next_str........return the next string from a file
fil_next_word.......return the next word from a file
fil_read_to.........return the contents of a file upto and including a string
fil_read_to_strip...return the contents of a file upto and including a string
fil_skip_past.......skip past a string in a file
fil_skip_to.........skip to a string in a file
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - INI FILE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ini_get_boolean.....read in a boolean parameter
ini_get_color.......read in a color
ini_get_number......read in a number
ini_get_position....read in and translate a screen position into a row number
ini_get_rows........read in the number of rows per screen
ini_get_state.......read in the keyboard state
ini_get_text........read in a text string
ini_get_yesno.......read in a YES or NO response
ini_read_section....read in the releveant text of a section
--------------------------------- KEYBOARD -----------------------------------
kbd_all_off.............disable all of the three LOCKS and turns off light
kbd_all_on..............enable all of the three LOCKS and turns on light
kbd_caps_off............disable the CAPS LOCK key and turns off the light
kbd_caps_on.............enable the CAPS LOCK key and turns on the light
kbd_clear...............clear the keyboard buffer of all keystrokes
kbd_give................give control back to the original keyboard interrupt
kbd_hit.................check keyboard buffer to see if a key has been pressed
kbd_insert_off..........disable the INSERT mode
kbd_insert_on...........enable the INSERT mode
kbd_is_all_on...........report if all three LOCKS are active
kbd_is_alt..............report if either alt is depressed
kbd_is_alt_left.........report if the left alt is depressed
kbd_is_alt_left_only....report if only the left alt is depressed
kbd_is_alt_right........report if the right alt is depressed
kbd_is_alt_right_only...report if only the right alt is depressed
kbd_is_alt_only.........report if only an alt is depressed (not ctrl or shift)
kbd_is_caps_on..........report if CAPS LOCK is active
kbd_is_ctrl.............report if either ctrl is depressed
kbd_is_ctrl_left........report if the left ctrl is depressed
kbd_is_ctrl_left_only...report if only the left ctrl is depressed
kbd_is_ctrl_right.......report if the left ctrl is depressed
kbd_is_ctrl_right_only..report if only the right ctrl is depressed
kbd_is_ctrl_only........report if only ctrl is depressed (and not alt or shift)
kbd_is_insert_on........report if INSERT is active
kbd_is_num_on.. ........report if NUM LOCK is active
kbd_is_scroll_on........report if SCROLL LOCK is active
kbd_is_shift............report if either shift is depressed
kbd_is_shift_left.......report if the left shift is depressed
kbd_is_shift_left_only..report if only the left shift is depressed
kbd_is_shift_right......report if the right shift is depressed
kbd_is_shift_right_only.report if only the right shift is depressed
kbd_is_shift_only.......report if only shift is depressed (and not alt or ctrl)
kbd_num_off.............disable the NUM LOCK key and turns off the light
kbd_num_on..............enable the NUM LOCK key and turns on the light
kbd_rate................set typematic rate and delay for repeat-key action
kbd_scroll_off..........disable the SCROLL LOCK key and turns off the light
kbd_scroll_on...........enable the SCROLL LOCK key and turns on the light
kbd_status_load.........restore the previously saved keyboard status
kbd_status_save.........save the keyboard status of insert, caps/num/scroll lock
kbd_take................take control of the keyboard interrupt
getchr..................get a character from the keyboard buffer
getchre.................same as getchr, but also echoes character to the screen
-------------------------------- LINKED LIST ---------------------------------
lst_find............search for a node of a linked list
lst_free_double.....deallocate each node of a doubly linked list
lst_free_single.....deallocate each node of a singly linked list
lst_tail............return the tail of a linked list
lst_unlink_double...unlink a node from a doubly linked list
lst_unlink_single...unlink a node from a singly linked list
----------------------------------- MATH -------------------------------------
max_byte............return the maximum of a list of byte
max_int.............return the maximum of a list of integers
max_shortint........return the maximum of a list of short integers
max_word............return the maximum of a list of words
min_byte............return the minimum of a list of bytes
min_int.............return the minimum of a list of integers
min_shortint........return the minimum of a list of short integers
min_word............return the minimum of a list of words
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MATRIX - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
m3_add..............add two 3x3 matrices
m3_copy.............return a copy of a 3x3 matrix
m3_det............X.return the determinant of a 3x3 matrix
m3_div............X.divide two 3x3 matrices
m3_inv............X.return the inverse of a 3x3 matrix
m3_mul..............multiply two 3x3 matrices
m3_new..............create and initialize a new 3x3 matrix
m3_sub..............subtract two 3x3 matrices
m3_transpose........transpose a 3x3 matrix
m4_add..............add two 4x4 matrices
m4_copy.............return a copy of a 4x4 matrix
m4_det............X.return the determinant of a 4x4 matrix
m4_div............X.divide two 4x4 matrices
m4_inv............X.return the inverse of a 4x4 matrix
m4_mul..............multiply two 4x4 matrices
m4_new..............create and initialize a new 4x4 matrix
m4_sub..............subtract two 4x4 matrices
m4_transpose........transpose a 4x4 matrix
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2D VECTORS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
v2_add..............add two 2D vector
v2_combine..........return the linear combination of two 2D vectors
v2_copy.............return a copy of a 2D vector
v2_dot..............return the dot product of two 2D vectors
v2_len..............return the magnitude (length) of 2D vector
v2_len_sqr..........return the magnitude (length) of 2D vector squared
v2_lerp.............linearly interpolate between two 2D vectors by some amount
v2_mul..............multiply two 2D vectors component-wise
v2_mul_by_matrix..X.multiply a 2D point by a matrix
v2_mul_by_proj......multiply a 2D point by a projection matrix
v2_neg..............negate a 2D vector
v2_new..............create and initialize a new 2D vector
v2_norm.............normalize a 2D vector (becomes unit length)
v2_ortho............return some orthogonal 2D vector to a 2D vector
v2_scale............scale a 2D vector to some new length
v2_seg_len..........return distance (line segment length) between two 2D points
v2_sub..............subtract two 2D vectors
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3D VECTORS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
v3_add..............add two 3D vector
v3_combine..........return the linear combination of two 3D vectors
v3_copy.............return a copy of a 3D vector
v3_cross............return the cross product of two 3D vectors
v3_dot..............return the dot product of two 3D vectors
v3_len..............return the magnitude (length) of 3D vector
v3_len_sqr..........return the magnitude (length) of 3D vector squared
v3_lerp.............linearly interpolate between two 3D vectors by some amount
v3_mul..............multiply two 3D vectors component-wise
v3_mul_by_matrix....multiply a 3D point by a matrix
v3_mul_by_proj......multiply a 3D point by a projection matrix
v3_neg..............negate a 3D vector
v3_new..............create and initialize a new 3D vector
v3_norm.............normalize a 3D vector (becomes unit length)
v3_ortho..........X.return some orthogonal 3D vector to a 3D vector
v3_scale............scale a 3D vector to some new length
v3_seg_len..........return distance (line segment length) between two 3D points
v3_sub..............subtract two 3D vectors
------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS --------------------------------
beep................beeps the speaker
bestlib_init........initialize THE BEST LIBRARY and set default values
boot................either warm of cold boot the system
dos_shell...........shells to DOS, returning upon the user typing "EXIT"
msec................delays the computer for a specific number of milliseconds
sound_off...........stops any sound coming from the speaker
stopw...............set a delay stopwatch to a specific clock-tick delay
video_get...........read the current video mode
video_set...........change the video mode
----------------------------------- MOUSE ------------------------------------
ms_get..............store the location of the mouse cursor
ms_getx.............return the mouse cursor abscissa
ms_gety.............return the mouse cursor ordinate
ms_hide.............hides the mouse cursor
ms_init.............initialize the mouse and set "mousedata" values to default
ms_kill.............completely disable the mouse driver
ms_range............set the mouse cursor's minimum and maximum range of movement
ms_set..............set the mouse cursor's abscissa and ordinate
ms_setx.............set the mouse cursor's abscissa
ms_sety.............set the mouse cursor's ordinate
ms_shape............change the mouse character in text mode
ms_show.............display the mouse cursor
ms_stat.............store detailed information about the mouse's status
---------------------------------- STRING ------------------------------------
case_down...........return an UPPERCASE letter as lowercase
case_down_ptr.......convert an UPPERCASE letter to lowercase
case_flip...........return the opposite case of a letter
case_flip_ptr.......convert a letter to the opposite case
case_up.............return a lowercase letter as UPPERCASE
case_up_ptr.........convert a lowercase letter to UPPERCASE
is_number_dec.......check if a string is a decimal number
is_number_hex.......check if a string is a hexadecimal number
mem_copy............makes a copy of a memory location
scan_byte...........search for a one-byte value
scan_byte_not.......search for any other one-byte value
scan_bytes..........search for one of several one-byte values
scan_bytes_not......search for any other one-byte values
scan_str............search for a string of characters
scan_str_not......X.search for any other string of characters
scan_strs.........X.search for one of several strings of characters
scan_strs_not.....X.search for any other string of characters
scan_word...........search for a one-word (two-byte) value
scan_word_not.......search for any other one-word (two-byte) value
scan_words..........search for one of several one-word (two-byte) values
scan_words_not......search for any other one-word (two-byte) value
sign................return the sign of a number
str_add...........X.adds to a number stored as an ASCII string
str_case_down.......convert all characters in a string to lowercase
str_case_down_pr....convert all characters in "prdata.string" to lowercase
str_case_flip.......convert all characters in a string to the opposite case
str_case_flip_pr....convert all characters in "prdata.string" to opposite case
str_case_up.........convert all characters in a string to uppercase
str_case_up_pr......convert all characters in "prdata.string" to uppercase
str_cmp.............compares two strings for equality
str_copy............copies a string
str_dec.............decrements a number stored as an ASCII string
str_del_byte........delete all occurrences of a byte from a string
str_del_bytes.......delete bytes from a string
str_del_str.......X.delete all occurences of a string from a string
str_del_word........delete all occurrences of a word from a word-value array
str_del_words.......delete word from an array of word-values
str_div...........X.divides a number stored as an ASCII string
str_fill_byte.......fill memory with a one-byte value
str_fill_str........fill memory with a string of characters
str_fill_word.......fill memory with a one-word (two-byte) value
str_inc.............increments a number stored as an ASCII string
str_ins_byte........insert a one-byte value into a string
str_ins_str.........insert a string of characters into a string
str_ins_word........insert a one-word (two-byte) value into an array of words
str_len.............return the length of a string
str_len_pr..........return the length of "prdata.string"
str_mul...........X.multiplies a number stored as an ASCII string
str_next_str........return the next string from a string
str_next_word.......return the next word from a string
str_rep_byte_byte...search for a byte and replaces it with a different byte
str_rep_byte_word...search for a byte and replaces it with a word
str_rep_byte_str....search for a byte and replaces it with a string
str_rep_str_byte....search for a string and replaces it with a byte
str_rep_str_str.....search for a string and replaces it with another string
str_rep_word_byte...search for a word and replaces it with a byte
str_rep_word_word...search for a word and replaces it with a different word
str_right...........read one string character, counting from the right
str_right_pr........read one "prdata.string" character, counting from the right
str_sub...........X.subtracts from a number stored as an ASCII string
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHARACTER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
is_alpha............check if a character is an alphabet letter
is_alpha_down.......check if a character is a lowercase alphabet letter
is_alpha_up.........check if a character is an uppercase alphabet letter
is_alphanum.........check if a character is an alphanumeric character
is_ascii............check if a character is a standard ASCII character
is_case_down........check if a character is a lowercase letter
is_case_up..........check if a character is an uppercase letter
is_ctrlchar.........check if a character is a control character (0-31 or 127)
is_digit_dec........check if a character is a decimal digit
is_digit_hex........check if a character is a hexadecimal digit
is_letter...........check if a character is an alphabet letter, ', or -
is_letternum........check if a character is an alphanumeric letter, ', or -
is_greek............check if a character is a greek letter
is_print............check if a character is a printable character (ASCII symbol)
is_punc.............check if a character is a punctuation character
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CONVERSION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
con_bool_to_str.....convert a numerical boolean value into its string equivalent
con_color_to_str....convert a numerical color value into its string equivalent
con_str_to_bool.....convert a boolean word into its numerical equivalent
con_str_to_color....convert a color name into its numerical equivalent
----------------------------------- TEXT -------------------------------------
txt_ascii_get..,,.X.read in ASCII character patterns
txt_ascii_set.......redefine ASCII character patterns to allow for new characters
txt_blink...........set 16 background colors or blinking characters
txt_char_height.....return the height of text mode characters (in pixels)
txt_char_length.....return the length of text mode characters (in pixels)
txt_cls.............clear the screen
txt_erase...........overwrite a region of characters with spaces
txt_erase_col.......overwrite one column of characters with spaces
txt_erase_row.......overwrite one row of characters with spaces
txt_fill_area.......fill a screen region according to the structure "fidata"
txt_fill_col........fill a screen column with a string in a defined color
txt_fill_row........fill a screen row with a string in a defined color
txt_flood...........flood the screen with a character in a fg/bg color
txt_get_abs.........return the absolute address of the text page
txt_get_act.........return the active text page
txt_get_vis.........return the visual text page
txt_last............return the last text page
txt_mem.............store or restore the text screen
txt_print...........print to the text screen according to the structure "prdata"
txt_rows............return the [number of rows per page]-1
txt_scroll..........smoothly scrolls, in any direction, the entire screen
txt_scroll_fast.....quickly smoothly scrolls (may be some flicker) the screen
txt_scroll_off....X.smoothly scrolls the screen off in a direction
txt_scroll_on.....X.smoothly scrolls a screen on in a direction
txt_scroll_over.....smoothly scrolls a screen overtop another screen
txt_scroll_rows.....smoothly scrolls certain rows
txt_scroll_window.X.smoothly scrolls, in any direction, a window of the screen
txt_set_abs.........set the absolute offset of the text page
txt_set_act.........set the active text page
txt_set_rel.........set the relative offset of the text page
txt_set_vis.........set the visual text page
txt_split...........split the visual screen into two mirror images
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ANIMATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ATTRIBUTE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
txt_attr_save.......save one attribute
txt_attr_show.......print a specific number of one attribute
txt_attrs_fill......fill a screen region with a foreground and background color
txt_attrs_need......return memory requirement for a "txt_attrs_save"ed image
txt_attrs_save......read a region of attributes
txt_attrs_show......print a region of attributes
txt_attrs_show_char...X.print only one attribute from a region of attributes
txt_attrs_show_str....X.print only one string of attributes from a region
txt_attrs_show_region.X.print only one region from a region of attributes
txt_bg_get..........save the background color at specified coordinates
txt_fg_get..........save the foreground color at specified coordinates
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CHARACTER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
txt_chr_attr_save...save a character and its attribute
txt_chr_attr_show...print a specific number of one character in a defined color
txt_chr_erase.......overwrite a specific number of characters with spaces
txt_chr_get.........read one character
txt_chr_show........print a specific number of one character
txt_chrattr_save....read a character with its attribute
txt_chrattr_show....print a specific number of characters with attributes
txt_chrattrs_fill...fill a screen region with a fg/bg color and a character
txt_chrattrs_need...return memory requirement for "txt_chrattrs_save"ed image
txt_chrattrs_save...read a region of characters with their attributes
txt_chrattrs_show...print a region of characters with their attributes
txt_chrattrs_show_char.....print only one character from a region
txt_chrattrs_show_str......print only a string of characters from a region
txt_chrattrs_show_region.X.print only a region from a region
txt_chrs_erase......overwrite a "textimagedata"ed image with spaces
txt_chrs_fill.......fill a screen with with a character
txt_chrs_need.......return the memory requirement for a "txt_chrs_save"ed image
txt_chrs_save.......read a region of characters
txt_chrs_show.......print a region of characters
txt_chrs_show_char...X.print only one character from a region of characters
txt_chrs_show_str....X.print only one string of characters from a region
txt_chrs_show_region.X.print only one region from a region of characters
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CURSOR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
cur_get_coord.......store the cursor location
cur_get_coord_abs...store the cursor location as reported by the VGA card
cur_get.............store all cursor information
cur_get_abs.........store all cursor information as reported by the VGA card
cur_get_x...........return the cursor abscissa
cur_get_x_abs.......return the cursor abscissa as reported by the VGA card
cur_get_y...........return the cursor ordinate
cur_get_y_abs.......return the cursor ordinate as reported by the VGA card
cur_is_on...........check if the cursor is on
cur_off.............turns cursor off
cur_on..............turns cursor on
cur_set.............set all the cursor's statistics
cur_set_bios........set all the cursor's statistics via BIOS
cur_set_coord.......set the cursor's abscissa and ordinate
cur_set_coord_bios..set the cursor's abscissa and ordinate via BIOS
cur_get_shape.......store the cursor's shape on the active page
cur_get_shape_abs...store the cursor's shape as reported by the VGA card
cur_set_shape.......define a new cursor shape on the active page
cur_set_shape_bios..define a new cursor shape on the active page via BIOS
cur_set_x...........set the cursor's abscissa
cur_set_x_bios......set the cursor's abscissa via BIOS
cur_set_y...........set the cursor'r ordinate
cur_set_y_bios......set the cursor's ordinate via BIOS
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GET - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
txt_get_let.........prompts the user for input -- accepts only alphabet letters
txt_get_num.........prompts the user for input -- accepts only digits and signs
txt_get_numu........prompts the user for unsigned input -- accepts only digits
txt_get_numl......X.prompts user for long input -- accepts only digits and signs
txt_get_numlu.....X.prompts user for unsigned long input -- accepts only digits
txt_get_str.........prompts the user for input -- accepts all ASCII characters
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STRING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
txt_str_attr_show...print a string with attributes
txt_str_erase.......overwrite a string with spaces
txt_str_erase_pr....overwrite "prdata.string" with spaces
txt_str_save........read a string from the text screen
txt_str_show........print a string
txt_strattr_need....return memory requirement for a "txt_strattr_save"ed image
txt_strattr_save....read a string with its attributes from the text screen
txt_strattr_show....print a "txt_strattr_save"ed string with its attributes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WINDOW - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
win_define..........define a new window
win_move............move a window to absolute coordinates
win_move_rel........move a window relative to its current position
win_scroll..........scrolls a window
------------------------------------ VGA -------------------------------------
fade_in.............fade into a screen
fade_out............fade a screen out to black
isit_color..........check if current display adapter is color capable
isit_ega............check if current display adapter is EGA capable
isit_vga............check if current display adapter is VGA capable
isit_svga.........X.check if current display adapter is SuperVGA capable
----------------------------------- VGA16 ------------------------------------
_16_boxfill.........draw a solid box
_16_boxfillxy.....X.draw a solid box
_16_boxoutline......draw a box outline
_16_boxoutlinexy..X.draw a box outline
_16_floodall........flood the screen all one color
_16_floodallall.....flood a 640x816 region of video memory all one color
_16_linebiglen....X.draw a line using a specific block size
_16_linebigxy.......draw a line using a specific block size
_16_linelen.........draw a line
_16_linexy..........draw a line
_16_pixel...........change the color of a pixel
_16_pixel_avg.......return the average color of nine pixels surrounding a point
_16_pixel_color.....read the color of a pixel
_16_pixel_is........check if a specific pixel is a specific color
_16_popupcolumn.....same as "popupmenu" except only one column is used
_16_popupmenu.......creates a menu system in graphics mode
_16_scrollevel......read the number of rows currently scrolled
_16_scrollrow.......scrolls a specific number of rows
_16_thermal.........generate a thermal equilibrium style spread
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ANIMATION - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_16_animat_rect...B.animate any solid rectangular "_16_i_save"ed image
_16_i_move........B.move any "_16_i_save"ed image
_16_move..........X.move using true 32-bit data transfers
_16_p_move........B.move any "_16_p_save"ed image
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IMAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_16_copy............copy any "_16_c_save"ed/"_16_i_save"ed/"_16_p_save"ed image
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMPRESS IMAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_16_c_move........B.move any "_16_c_save"ed image
_16_c_need_scrn.....memory need for any screen image that is to be "_16_c_save"ed
_16_c_need_wrst.....worst-case compression for a theoretical "_16_c_save"ed image
_16_c_percent.......calculate how much percent smaller a "_16_c_save"ed image is
_16_c_read_off....X.read a pixel color of any "_16_c_save"ed image by offset
_16_c_read_xy.....X.read a pixel color of any "_16_c_save"ed image by (x,y)
_16_c_save..........store an image into memory from the screen using compression
_16_c_show..........write any "_16_c_save"ed image to the screen
_16_i_to_c........X.convert any "_16_i_save"ed image to a "_16_c_save"ed image
_16_p_to_c........X.convert any "_16_p_save"ed image to a "_16_c_save"ed image
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PIXEL IMAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_16_c_to_p........X.convert any "_16_c_save"ed image to a "_16_p_save"ed image
_16_i_to_p........X.convert any "_16_i_save"ed image to a "_16_p_save"ed image
_16_p_need..........calculate the memory requirement of any "_16_p_save"ed image
_16_p_save..........store an image from the screen on a pixel by pixel algorithm
_16_p_read_off......read a pixel color of any "_16_p_save"ed image by offset
_16_p_read_xy.......read a pixel color of any "_16_c_save"ed image by (x,y)
_16_p_show..........write any "_16_p_save"ed image to the screen
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLANE IMAGE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
_16_c_to_i........X.convert any "_16_c_save"ed image to a "_16_i_save"ed image
_16_i_need..........calculate the memory requirement of any "_16_i_save"ed image
_16_i_read_off......read a pixel color of any "_16_i_save"ed image by offset
_16_i_read_xy.......read a pixel color of any "_16_c_save"ed image by (x,y)
_16_i_save..........store an image from the screen on a plane by plane algorithm
_16_i_show..........write any "_16_i_save"ed image to the screen
_16_p_to_i..... ..X.convert any "_16_p_save"ed image to a "_16_i_save"ed image
_16_restore_bg......restore from RAM a region of the screen background
------------------------------------ VGA256 ------------------------------------
_256_floodall.......flood the screen all one color
_256_pixel..........change the color of a pixel
==================== BEGINNING OF LIBRARY DOCUMENTATION ======================
*** NOTE all functions in THE BEST LIBRARY require FAR calls -- if you are
using a C compiler, set it to the Large Memory Model
*** NOTE these variables need to be declared globally:
asciiscan keyp; /* global structure "keyp" */
cursordata cursor; /* global structure "cursor" */
mousedata msdata; /* global structure "msdata" */
*** NOTE a VGA display is assumed by all functions
*** NOTE abscissa refers to x-coordinate and ordinate refers to y-coordinate
*** NOTE if the speaker beeps unexpectedly, something illegal was attempted
(ie. if "str_show" is not passed a NULL-terminated string)
*** NOTE when allocating memory for strings, always remember to allocate
[the length of the largest string] + 1 bytes
(ex. for an 8 character maximum input into string "str":
str = (char *) malloc(9); /* [maximum length of input] + 1 */
txt_get_let(TCUR, TCUR, str, 8, '_', "What is your name? ", WHITE, BLUE, "Ted");
will print What is your name? Ted_____ at the current text cursor
coordinates (TCUR, TCUR) and position the cursor under the T in Ted
(Ted is the default name); a maximum of eight characters will be
*** NOTE all video output functions check the global variable "mousepresent"
defined by mouse unit; if it is FALSE, the mouse cursor is ignored
and if it is TRUE, the mouse cursor is hidden before performing any
video output and shown again after the function finishes
*** NOTE all video output (text and graphics modes) is performed with direct
screen writes (the BIOS is not used) unless otherwise stated
*** NOTE all coordinates are (0,0) - (MAXX-1, MAXY-1)
- the text screen is usually 80x25, so the coordinates would be
(0,0) - (79,24)
- the VGA graphic screen is usually 640x480, so the coordinates
would be (0,0) - (639,479)
*** NOTE each text page has its own cursor position and cursor shape
*** NOTE the cursor position is not modified by a function unless stated in
the description of that function
*** NOTE all functions that use the cursor use the cursor on the active text
page and not the visual text page (make the active text page the
same as the visual text page to operate on the visual text page)
*** NOTE those parameters that ask for an "x" and a "y" will accept TCUR or
MCUR, as described:
- if "x" = TCUR, the text cursor abscissa is used
= MCUR, the mouse cursor abscissa is used
- if "y" = TCUR, the text cursor ordinate is used
= MCUR, the mouse cursor ordinate is used
in addition, some functions also accept MEM, which is explicity
stated in the function's description
*** NOTE those parameters that ask for a "length" and a "height" will accept
negative numbers (to mean opposite direction)
- positive "length" is to the right whereas negative is to the left
- positive "height" is downward whereas negative is upward
- ex: /* both draw the same box */
boxfill(10, 10, 5, 5, YELLOW, COPY_IMAGE);
boxfill(14, 14, -5, -5, YELLOW, COPY_IMAGE);
*** NOTE all graphic images have a maximum size of exactly 65517 bytes
*** NOTE all strings have a maximum length of 65531 characters
*** NOTE some functions directly correspond to those offered by your compiler;
the functions provided in THE BEST LIBRARY are more efficient and
should be used over the compiler's functions
*** NOTE the few functions that are still under development may be completed
by the time you are reading this text; call me, George Vanous, at
the phone number listed at the end of this document to verify the
status of these functions
*** NOTE if you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me by
phone or mail
*** NOTE see !BESTLIB.H for a more brief description of every function
---------------------------- GLOBAL DEFINITIONS ------------------------------
BLACK.................... 0x0 0
BLUE..................... 0x1 1
GREEN.................... 0x2 2
CYAN..................... 0x3 3
RED...................... 0x4 4
MAGENTA.................. 0x5 5
BROWN.................... 0x6 6
LIGHTGREY................ 0x7 7
DARKGREY................. 0x8 8
LIGHTBLUE................ 0x9 9
LIGHTGREEN............... 0xA 10
LIGHTCYAN................ 0xB 11
LIGHTRED................. 0xC 12
LIGHTMAGENTA............. 0xD 13
YELLOW................... 0xE 14
WHITE.................... 0xF 15
BLINKCHAR................ 0x8 value to add to background color for blinking
ZERO.................... 0x00 0
ONE..................... 0x01 1
TWO..................... 0x02 2
THREE................... 0x03 3
FOUR.................... 0x04 4
FIVE.................... 0x05 5
SIX..................... 0x06 6
SEVEN................... 0x07 7
EIGHT................... 0x08 8
NINE.................... 0x09 9
TEN..................... 0x0A 10
ELEVEN.................. 0x0B 11
TWELVE.................. 0x0C 12
THIRTEEN................ 0x0D 13
FOURTEEN................ 0x0E 14
FIFTEEN................. 0x0F 15
SIXTEEN................. 0x10 16
SEVENTEEN............... 0x11 17
EIGHTEEN................ 0x12 18
NINETEEN................ 0x13 19
TWENTY.................. 0x14 20
PI...................... 3.141593 the venerable pi
PIx2.................... 6.283185 2 * pi
PIx4.................... 12.56637 4 * pi
PIby2................... 1.570796 pi / 2 (180 degrees)
PIby3................... 1.047197 pi / 3 ( 60 degrees)
PIby4................... 0.785398 pi / 4 ( 45 degrees)
PIby6................... 0.523599 pi / 6 ( 30 degrees)
E....................... 2.718282 the venerable e
SQRT2................... 1.414214 sqrt(2)
SQRT3................... 1.732051 sqrt(3)
GOLDEN.................. 1.618034 the golden ratio
DtoR.................... 0.017453 convert degrees to radians
RtoD.................... 57.29578 convert radians to degrees
CR....................... '\r' carriage return character
LF....................... '\n' linefeed character
NO........................ -1 logical constant
YES....................... +1 logical constant
NONE...................... 0 logical constant
OFF....................... 0 logical constant
ON........................ +1 logical constant
BOTH...................... +2 logical constant
UNMODIFY.................. +2 logical constant
FALSE...................... 0 logical constant
TRUE.................!(FALSE) logical constant
BACKWARD.................. -1 logical constant
FORWARD................... +1 logical constant
WARM.................. 0x1234 warm boot identifier (like pressing ctrl-alt-del)
COLD....................... 0 cold boot identifier (like pressing reset button)
MAX....................... -1 logical constant
MIN....................... -2 logical constant
MAXX..................... 640 total screen x-length
MAXXHALF................. 320 half screen x-length
MAXMAXX.................. 640 total (screen)+(virtual screen) x-length
MAXMAXXHALF.............. 320 half (screen)+(virtual screen) x-length
MAXY..................... 480 total screen y-height
MAXYHALF................. 240 half screen y-height
MAXMAXY.................. 816 total (screen)+(virtual screen) y-height
MAXMAXYHALF.............. 408 half (screen)+(virtual screen) y-height
WATCH_MAX................ 100 maximum number of stopwatches
SIGNED.................... -1 signed number
UNSIGNED................... 1 unsigned number
TCUR...................... -1 text cursor
MCUR...................... -2 mouse cursor
MEM....................... -3 memory cursor (coordinates stored in memory)
TEXTSAVE................... 0 store text video memory
TEXTSHOW................... 1 restore text video memory
TEXT....................... 1 text mode
TEXT25..................... 3 25-line text mode
TEXT50..................... 2 50-line text mode
TEXT25F................... -1 forced 25-line text mode
TEXT50F................... -2 forced 50-line text mode
VGA16..................... 18 640x480x16 graphics mode
VGA256.................... 19 320x200x256 graphics mode
TEXTPAGE1.................. 0 text video page 1
TEXTPAGE2.................. 1 text video page 2
TEXTPAGE3.................. 2 text video page 3
TEXTPAGE4.................. 3 text video page 4
TEXTPAGE5.................. 4 text video page 5
TEXTPAGE6.................. 5 text video page 6
TEXTPAGE7.................. 6 text video page 7
TEXTPAGE8.................. 7 text video page 8
TEXTPAGELAST.............. 16 last video page: 4 for 50 lines, 8 for 25 lines
TEXTPAGEACTIVE............ -1 current active text video page
TEXTPAGEVISUAL............ -2 current visual text video page
TEXTIMAGE_OVERHEAD........ 8 overhead, in bytes, of "textimagedata"ed objects
TOP....................... 1 top (same as up)
UP........................ 1 upward direction
LEFT...................... 2 leftward direction
RIGHT..................... 4 rightward direction
DOWN...................... 8 downward direction
BOTTOM.................... 8 bottom (same as down)
ALIGN_NONE................ -1 perform no alignment when outputting text
ALIGN_HORZ................. 0 horizontal center, shifting odd length left
ALIGN_VERT................. 1 vertical center, shifting odd length up
ALIGN_CENTER............... 2 horizontal and vertical center
ALIGN_RIGHT................ 3 right justify the text
COPY_IMAGE............ 0x0003 hexadecimal code for performing a direct copy
AND_IMAGE............. 0x0803 hexadecimal code for performing a logical AND
OR_IMAGE.............. 0x1003 hexadecimal code for performing a locical OR
XOR_IMAGE............. 0x1803 hexadecimal code for performing an eXclusive OR
COPY_IMAGE_SET........ 0x0013 perform a direct copy and set to scroll
AND_IMAGE_SET......... 0x0813 perform a logical AND and set to scroll
OR_IMAGE_SET.......... 0x1013 perform a locical OR and set to scroll
XOR_IMAGE_SET......... 0x1813 perform an eXclusive OR and set to scroll
BACKSPACE.................. 0x08 ... backspace keypress
SPACE...................... 0x20 ... 32
QUOTE...................... 0x22 ... 34
APOSTROPHE................. 0x27 ... 39
HYPHEN..................... 0x2D ... 45
BLOCK_SOLID................ 0xDB ... 219
SCAN_NONE.................. 0x00 ... 0
SCAN_ESC................... 0x01 ... 1
SCAN_1..................... 0x02 ... 2
SCAN_2..................... 0x03 ... 3
SCAN_3..................... 0x04 ... 4
SCAN_4..................... 0x05 ... 5
SCAN_5..................... 0x06 ... 6
SCAN_6..................... 0x07 ... 7
SCAN_7..................... 0x08 ... 8
SCAN_8..................... 0x09 ... 9
SCAN_9..................... 0x0A ... 10
SCAN_0..................... 0x0B ... 11
SCAN_HYPHEN................ 0x0C ... 12
SCAN_EQUAL................. 0x0D ... 13
SCAN_BACKSPACE............. 0x0E ... 14
SCAN_TAB................... 0x0F ... 15
SCAN_Q..................... 0x10 ... 16
SCAN_W..................... 0x11 ... 17
SCAN_E..................... 0x12 ... 18
SCAN_R..................... 0x13 ... 19
SCAN_T..................... 0x14 ... 20
SCAN_Y..................... 0x15 ... 21
SCAN_U..................... 0x16 ... 22
SCAN_I..................... 0x17 ... 23
SCAN_O..................... 0x18 ... 24
SCAN_P..................... 0x19 ... 25
SCAN_BRACKET_LEFT.......... 0x1A ... 26
SCAN_BRACKET_RIGHT......... 0x1B ... 27
SCAN_ENTER................. 0x1C ... 28
SCAN_CTRL.................. 0x1D ... 29
SCAN_A..................... 0x1E ... 30
SCAN_S..................... 0x1F ... 31
SCAN_D..................... 0x20 ... 32
SCAN_F..................... 0x21 ... 33
SCAN_G..................... 0x22 ... 34
SCAN_H..................... 0x23 ... 35
SCAN_J..................... 0x24 ... 36
SCAN_K..................... 0x25 ... 37
SCAN_L..................... 0x26 ... 38
SCAN_SEMICOLON............. 0x27 ... 39
SCAN_QUOTE................. 0x28 ... 40
SCAN_BACKQUOTE............. 0x29 ... 41
SCAN_SHIFT_LEFT............ 0x2A ... 42
SCAN_BACKSLASH............. 0x2B ... 43
SCAN_Z..................... 0x2C ... 44
SCAN_X..................... 0x2D ... 45
SCAN_C..................... 0x2E ... 46
SCAN_V..................... 0x2F ... 47
SCAN_B..................... 0x30 ... 48
SCAN_N..................... 0x31 ... 49
SCAN_M..................... 0x32 ... 50
SCAN_COMMA................. 0x33 ... 51
SCAN_PERIOD................ 0x34 ... 52
SCAN_SLASH................. 0x35 ... 53
SCAN_SHIFT_RIGHT........... 0x36 ... 54
SCAN_KEYPAD_ASTERISK....... 0x37 ... 55
SCAN_ALT................... 0x38 ... 56
SCAN_SPACE................. 0x39 ... 57
SCAN_CAPSLOCK.............. 0x3A ... 58
SCAN_F1.................... 0x3B ... 59
SCAN_F2.................... 0x3C ... 60
SCAN_F3.................... 0x3D ... 61
SCAN_F4.................... 0x3E ... 62
SCAN_F5.................... 0x3F ... 63
SCAN_F6.................... 0x40 ... 64
SCAN_F7.................... 0x41 ... 65
SCAN_F8.................... 0x42 ... 66
SCAN_F9.................... 0x43 ... 67
SCAN_F10................... 0x44 ... 68
SCAN_NUMLOCK............... 0x45 ... 69
SCAN_SCROLLOCK............. 0x46 ... 70
SCAN_HOME.................. 0x47 ... 71
SCAN_UP.................... 0x48 ... 72
SCAN_PGUP.................. 0x49 ... 73
SCAN_KEYPAD_MINUS.......... 0x4A ... 74
SCAN_LEFT.................. 0x4B ... 75
SCAN_KEYPAD_5.............. 0x4C ... 76
SCAN_RIGHT................. 0x4D ... 77
SCAN_KEYPAD_PLUS........... 0x4E ... 78
SCAN_END................... 0x4F ... 79
SCAN_DOWN.................. 0x50 ... 80
SCAN_PGDN.................. 0x51 ... 81
SCAN_INSERT................ 0x52 ... 82
SCAN_DELETE................ 0x53 ... 83
SCAN_SHIFT_F1.............. 0x54 ... 84
SCAN_SHIFT_F2.............. 0x55 ... 85
SCAN_SHIFT_F3.............. 0x56 ... 86
SCAN_SHIFT_F4.............. 0x57 ... 87
SCAN_SHIFT_F5.............. 0x58 ... 88
SCAN_SHIFT_F6.............. 0x59 ... 89
SCAN_SHIFT_F7.............. 0x5A ... 90
SCAN_SHIFT_F8.............. 0x5B ... 91
SCAN_SHIFT_F9.............. 0x5C ... 92
SCAN_SHIFT_F10............. 0x5D ... 93
SCAN_CTRL_F1............... 0x5E ... 94
SCAN_CTRL_F2............... 0x5F ... 95
SCAN_CTRL_F3............... 0x60 ... 96
SCAN_CTRL_F4............... 0x61 ... 97
SCAN_CTRL_F5............... 0x62 ... 98
SCAN_CTRL_F6............... 0x63 ... 99
SCAN_CTRL_F7............... 0x64 ... 100
SCAN_CTRL_F8............... 0x65 ... 101
SCAN_CTRL_F9............... 0x66 ... 102
SCAN_CTRL_F10.............. 0x67 ... 103
SCAN_ALT_F1................ 0x68 ... 104
SCAN_ALT_F2................ 0x69 ... 105
SCAN_ALT_F3................ 0x6A ... 106
SCAN_ALT_F4................ 0x6B ... 107
SCAN_ALT_F5................ 0x6C ... 108
SCAN_ALT_F6................ 0x6D ... 109
SCAN_ALT_F7................ 0x6E ... 110
SCAN_ALT_F8................ 0x6F ... 111
SCAN_ALT_F9................ 0x70 ... 112
SCAN_ALT_F10............... 0x71 ... 113
SCAN_CTRL_PRTSC............ 0x72 ... 114
SCAN_CTRL_LEFT............. 0x73 ... 115
SCAN_CTRL_RIGHT............ 0x74 ... 116
SCAN_CTRL_END.............. 0x75 ... 117
SCAN_CTRL_PGDN............. 0x76 ... 118
SCAN_CTRL_HOME............. 0x77 ... 119
SCAN_ALT_1................. 0x78 ... 120
SCAN_ALT_2................. 0x79 ... 121
SCAN_ALT_3................. 0x7A ... 122
SCAN_ALT_4................. 0x7B ... 123
SCAN_ALT_5................. 0x7C ... 124
SCAN_ALT_6................. 0x7D ... 125
SCAN_ALT_7................. 0x7E ... 126
SCAN_ALT_8................. 0x7F ... 127
SCAN_ALT_9................. 0x80 ... 128
SCAN_ALT_0................. 0x81 ... 129
SCAN_ALT_HYPHEN............ 0x82 ... 130
SCAN_ALT_EQUAL............. 0x83 ... 131
SCAN_CTRL_PGUP............. 0x84 ... 132
SCAN_F11................... 0x85 ... 133
SCAN_F12................... 0x86 ... 134
SCAN_SHIFT_F11............. 0x87 ... 135
SCAN_SHIFT_F12............. 0x88 ... 136
SCAN_CTRL_F11.............. 0x89 ... 137
SCAN_CTRL_F12.............. 0x8A ... 138
SCAN_ALT_F11............... 0x8B ... 139
SCAN_ALT_F12............... 0x8C ... 140
SCAN_CTRL_UP............... 0x8D ... 141
SCAN_CTRL_KEYPAD_MINUS..... 0x8E ... 142
SCAN_CTRL_KEYPAD_5......... 0x8F ... 143
SCAN_CTRL_KEYPAD_PLUS...... 0x90 ... 144
SCAN_CTRL_DOWN............. 0x91 ... 145
SCAN_CTRL_INS.............. 0x92 ... 146
SCAN_CTRL_DEL.............. 0x93 ... 147
SCAN_CTRL_TAB.............. 0x94 ... 148
SCAN_CTRL_KEYPAD_SLASH..... 0x95 ... 149
SCAN_ALT_HOME.............. 0x97 ... 151
SCAN_ALT_UP................ 0x98 ... 152
SCAN_ALT_PGUP.............. 0x99 ... 153
SCAN_ALT_LEFT.............. 0x9B ... 155
SCAN_ALT_RIGHT............. 0x9D ... 157
SCAN_ALT_END............... 0x9F ... 159
SCAN_ALT_DOWN.............. 0xA0 ... 160
SCAN_ALT_PGDN.............. 0xA1 ... 161
SCAN_ALT_INS............... 0xA2 ... 162
SCAN_ALT_DEL............... 0xA3 ... 163
SCAN_ALT_SLASH............. 0xA4 ... 164
SCAN_ALT_TAB............... 0xA5 ... 165
SCAN_ALT_ENTER............. 0xA6 ... 166
SCAN_CTRL_ENTER............ 0xE0 ... 224
HOUSE1L.... 0 ... house #1[left]
HOUSE1R.... 1 ... house #1[right]
TREE1...... 2 ... tree #1
CAR1L...... 3 ... car #1[left]
CAR1R...... 4 ... car #2[right]
DINO1L..... 5 ... dinosaur #1[left]
DINO1R..... 6 ... dinosaur #1[right]
SHIP1N..... 7 ... ship #1[N]
SHIP1NE.... 8 ... ship #1[NE]
SHIP1E..... 9 ... ship #1[E]
SHIP1SE... 10 ... ship #1[SE]
SHIP1S.... 11 ... ship #1[S]
SHIP1SW... 12 ... ship #1[SW]
SHIP1W.... 13 ... ship #1[W]
SHIP1NW... 14 ... ship #1[NW]
BIRD1..... 15 ... bird #1
DIAMON1... 16 ... diamond #1
EXPLOS1... 17 ... explosion #1
TOOTHG1... 18 ... toothgrin #1
HOURGL1... 19 ... hourglass #1
METEOR1... 20 ... meteor #1
SPACES1... 21 ... spaceship #1
BIKERL1... 22 ... biker #1[left]
BIKERR1... 23 ... biker #1[right]
FROWN1.... 24 ... frown #1
GRIN1..... 25 ... grin #1
LAMP1L.... 26 ... lamp #1[left]
LAMP1R.... 27 ... lamp #1[right]
SAILB1L... 28 ... sailboat #1[left]
SAILB1R... 29 ... sailboat #1[right]
SHARK1L... 30 ... shark #1[left]
SHARK1R... 31 ... shark #1[right]
TARGET1... 32 ... target #1
TRUCK1L... 33 ... truck #1[left]
TRUCK1R... 34 ... truck #1[right]
VAN1L..... 35 ... van #1[left]
VAN1R..... 36 ... van #1[right]
BALLO11... 37 ... balloon #1[1]
BALLO12... 38 ... balloon #1[2]
BALLO13... 39 ... balloon #1[3]
SUN1...... 40 ... sun #1
FIGUR3L... 41 ... figure #3[left]
FIGUR3R... 42 ... figure #3[right]
FIGUR41... 43 ... figure #4[1]
FIGUR42... 44 ... figure #4[2]
FIGUR52... 45 ... figure #5[2]
FISH1L.... 46 ... fish #1[left]
FISH1R.... 47 ... fish #1[right]
FISH2L.... 48 ... fish #2[left]
FISH2R.... 49 ... fish #2[right]
PLANE1L... 50 ... plane #1[left]
PLANE1R... 51 ... plane #1[right]
JET1L..... 52 ... jet #1[left]
JET1R..... 53 ... jet #1[right]
TARGET2... 54 ... target #2
BOTTLE1... 55 ... bottle #1
FIGUR1L... 56 ... figure #1[left]
FIGUR1R... 57 ... figure #1[right]
FIGUR2L... 58 ... figure #2[left]
FIGUR2R... 59 ... figure #2[right]
FIGUR51... 60 ... figure #5[1]
FIGUR6L... 61 ... figure #6[left]
FIGUR6R... 62 ... figure #6[right]
MOON1L.... 63 ... moon #1[left]
MOON1R.... 64 ... moon #1[right]
byte codes[] = {
(word)HOUSE1L, 192,126, /* house #1[left] */
(word)HOUSE1R, 193,127, /* house #1[right] */
(word)TREE1 , 194,145, /* tree #1 */
(word)CAR1L , 195,146, /* car #1[left] */
(word)CAR1R , 196,164, /* car #2[right] */
(word)DINO1L , 197,165, /* dinosaur #1[left] */
(word)DINO1R , 198,166, /* dinosaur #1[right] */
(word)SHIP1N , 199,167, /* ship #1[N] */
(word)SHIP1NE, 200,168, /* ship #1[NE] */
(word)SHIP1E , 201,169, /* ship #1[E] */
(word)SHIP1SE, 202,170, /* ship #1[SE] */
(word)SHIP1S , 203,171, /* ship #1[S] */
(word)SHIP1SW, 204,172, /* ship #1[SW] */
(word)SHIP1W , 205,173, /* ship #1[W] */
(word)SHIP1NW, 206,174, /* ship #1[NW] */
(word)BIRD1 , 207,175, /* bird #1 */
(word)DIAMON1, 208,179, /* diamond #1 */
(word)EXPLOS1, 209,180, /* explosion #1 */
(word)TOOTHG1, 210,181, /* toothgrin #1 */
(word)HOURGL1, 211,182, /* hourglass #1 */
(word)METEOR1, 212,183, /* meteor #1 */
(word)SPACES1, 213,184, /* spaceship #1 */
(word)BIKERL1, 214,185, /* biker #1[left] */
(word)BIKERR1, 215,186, /* biker #1[right] */
(word)FROWN1 , 216,187, /* frown #1 */
(word)GRIN1 , 217,188, /* grin #1 */
(word)LAMP1L , 218,189, /* lamp #1[left] */
(word)LAMP1R , 219,190, /* lamp #1[right] */
(word)SAILB1L, 220,191, /* sailboat #1[left] */
(word)SAILB1R, 221,224, /* sailboat #1[right] */
(word)SHARK1L, 222,225, /* shark #1[left] */
(word)SHARK1R, 223,226, /* shark #1[right] */
(word)TARGET1, 192,126, /* target #1 */
(word)TRUCK1L, 193,127, /* truck #1[left] */
(word)TRUCK1R, 194,145, /* truck #1[right] */
(word)VAN1L , 195,146, /* van #1[left] */
(word)VAN1R , 196,164, /* van #1[right] */
(word)BALLO11, 197,165, /* balloon #1[1] */
(word)BALLO12, 198,166, /* balloon #1[2] */
(word)BALLO13, 199,167, /* balloon #1[3] */
(word)SUN1 , 200,168, /* sun #1 */
(word)FIGUR3L, 201,169, /* figure #3[left] */
(word)FIGUR3R, 202,170, /* figure #3[right] */
(word)FIGUR41, 203,171, /* figure #4[1] */
(word)FIGUR42, 204,172, /* figure #4[2] */
(word)FIGUR52, 205,173, /* figure #5[2] */
(word)FISH1L , 206,174, /* fish #1[left] */
(word)FISH1R , 207,175, /* fish #1[right] */
(word)FISH2L , 208,179, /* fish #2[left] */
(word)FISH2R , 209,180, /* fish #2[right] */
(word)PLANE1L, 210,181, /* plane #1[left] */
(word)PLANE1R, 211,182, /* plane #1[right] */
(word)JET1L , 212,183, /* jet #1[left] */
(word)JET1R , 213,184, /* jet #1[right] */
(word)TARGET2, 255, /* target #2 */
(word)BOTTLE1, 254, /* bottle #1 */
(word)FIGUR1L, 253, /* figure #1[left] */
(word)FIGUR1R, 252, /* figure #1[right] */
(word)FIGUR2L, 251, /* figure #2[left] */
(word)FIGUR2R, 250, /* figure #2[right] */
(word)FIGUR51, 249, /* figure #5[1] */
(word)FIGUR6L, 248, /* figure #6[left] */
(word)FIGUR6R, 247, /* figure #6[right] */
(word)MOON1L , 246, /* moon #1[left] */
(word)MOON1R , 245 /* moon #1[right] */
DASHES printf("\n----------------------------------------
DISTRIBUTE printf("\n------------------------- DISTRIBUTION IS ENCOURAGED ----
DOUBLESPACE printf("\n\n")
SINGLESPACE printf("\n")
/* MACROS */
ischar(ch) (((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
|| ch == APOSTROPHE || ch == HYPHEN) ? TRUE : FALSE)
RETURNS: TRUE if 'ch' is a valid character used in words
FALSE if 'ch' is not a valid character used in words
absolute value of a
ABS(a) (((a)<0) ? -(a) : (a))
round a to nearest integer towards 0
FLOOR(a) ((a)>0 ? (int)(a) : -(int)(-a))
round a to nearest integer away from 0
CEILING(a) ( (a) == (int)(a) ? (a) \
: (a) > 0 ? 1+(int)(a) : -( 1+(int)(-a) ))
round a to nearest int
ROUND(a) (((a) > 0) ? (int)(a+0.5) : -(int)(0.5-a))
take sign of a, either -1, 0, or 1
ZSGN(a) (((a) < 0) ? -1 : (a) > 0 ? 1 : 0)
take binary sign of a, either -1, or 1 if >= 0
SGN(a) (((a) < 0) ? -1 : 1)
shout if something that should be true isn't
ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) fprintf(stderr," Assert failed: x\n");
square a
SQR(a) ((a)*(a))
return minimum of a and b
MINIMUM(a,b) ( ((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
return maximum of a and b
MAXIMUM(a,b) ( ((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b) )
swap a and b
SWAP(a,b) { a^=b; b^=a; a^=b; }
linear interpolation from l (when a=0) to h (when a=1)
(equal to (a*h) + ( (1-a) * l)
LERP(a,l,h) ( (l) + (((h)-(l)) * (a)) )
clamp the input to the specified range
CLAMP(v,l,h) ( (v) < (l) ? (l) : (v) > (h) ? (h) : v)
create a new instance of a structure (see Gem by Hultquist)
NEWSTRUCT(x) (struct x *) (malloc( (unsigned)sizeof(struct x) ))
create a new instance of a type
NEWTYPE(x) (x *) (malloc( (unsigned)sizeof(x) ))
typedef unsigned char boolean... a TRUE or FALSE type, as in Pascal
typedef boolean flag............ flag data type
typedef unsigned char byte...... an 8-bit/1 byte (0..255) type, as in Pascal
typedef signed char shortint.... an 8-bit/1 byte (-128..+127) type, as in Pascal
typedef unsigned int word....... a 16-bit/2-byte (0..65535) type, as in Pascal
typedef struct {
byte ascii................... ASCII code of character pressed
byte scan.................... SCAN code of character pressed
} asciiscan;
typedef struct {
byte y....................... ordinate
byte x....................... abscissa
byte start................... starting scan line
byte end..................... ending scan line
boolean on................... TRUE if the cursor is on, FALSE if it is not
} cursordata;
typedef struct document_def {
char *line................... pointer to a line of the document
struct document_def *prev..... pointer to previous line
struct document_def *next..... pointer to next line
} document;
typedef struct {
byte fgclr................. foreground color or NO if no color fill
byte bgclr................. background color or NO if no color fill
char fillchar.............. character to fill with or NO if no character fill
byte x..................... abscissa (if TCUR, uses text cursor abscissa
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor abscissa)
byte y..................... ordinate (if TCUR, uses text cursor ordinate
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor ordinate)
shortint length............ x-length of area
shortint height............ y-height of area
char *overwrite............ text to overwrite or NULL if overwrite all
char *text................. text to print or NULL if no text
} filldata;
*** NOTE if "fillchar" and "print" are both defined, "print" is printed
typedef struct {
word size............... size of image in bytes
byte tclr............... transparency color or number of 8-pixel groups
int x................... abscissa (if MCUR, uses mouse cursor abscissa)
int y................... ordinate (if MCUR, uses mouse cursor ordinate)
int length.............. x-length (do not modify)
int height.............. y-height (do not modify)
int how : 1............. draw with the current scroll (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
int for_future : 15..... no current purpose, other than to fill the integer
} imagedata;
*** NOTE if used with _16_i_... "tclr" is number of 8-pixel groups per row
if used with _16_c_... or _16_p_..., "tclr" is transparency color
typedef struct linked_list {
struct linked_list *next...... pointer to next node
} llist;
typedef struct linked_list_s {
struct linked_list_s *next.... pointer to next node
} llist_single;
typedef struct linked_list_d {
struct linked_list_d *prev.... pointer to previous node
struct linked_list_d *next.... pointer to next node
} llist_double;
typedef struct {
byte update............. TRUE "ms_stat" has updated structure "mousedata"
FALSE no structure variables have been updated
int pos[2].............. old mouse cursor x,y position
int buts[2]............. old left,right button 0 not pressed 1 pressed
int npos[2]............. new mouse cursor x,y position
int nbuts[2]............ new left,right button 0 not pressed 1 pressed
int butlr[2]............ x,y position of last left button release
int butlp[2]............ x,y position of last left button press
int butrr[2]............ x,y position of last right button release
int butrp[2]............ x,y position of last right button press
} mousedata;
typedef struct {
byte fgclr.............. foreground color or NO if no color fill
byte bgclr.............. background color or NO if no color fill
byte command = ALIGN_NONE - no command
= ALIGN_HORZ - horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
= ALIGN_VERT - vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
= ALIGN_CENTER - horizontal and vertical center
= ALIGN_RIGHT - right justify; flush to the right margin
byte x.................. abscissa (if TCUR, uses text cursor abscissa
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor abscissa)
byte y.................. ordinate (if TCUR, uses text cursor ordinate
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor ordinate)
char *text.............. text to print
} printdata;
*** NOTE "command" will revert to ALIGN_NONE if the length of string "string"
is greater than 80 (the width of the text screen)
*** NOTE if both "x" and "y" = TCUR, the cursor is advanced to one past the
last character printed
typedef struct {
word size............... size of image in bytes
byte fgclr.............. NO if no color fill
byte bgclr.............. NO if no color fill
byte x.................. abscissa (if TCUR, uses text cursor abscissa
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor abscissa)
byte y.................. ordinate (if TCUR, uses text cursor ordinate
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor ordinate)
byte length............. x-length (do not modify)
byte height............. y-height (do not modify)
} textimagedata;
typedef struct {
byte fgclr.............. foreground color or NO if no color fill
byte bgclr.............. background color or NO if no color fill
byte x.................. abscissa (if TCUR, uses text cursor abscissa
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor abscissa)
byte y.................. ordinate (if TCUR, uses text cursor ordinate
if MCUR, uses mouse cursor ordinate)
} textstr;
typedef struct {
byte fgclr, bgclr................. color of text inside window
x, y......................... top,left coordinates of window
length, height............... length and height of window
parts........................ window parts to use
shadow_style................. shadow style
border_fgclr, border_bgclr... color of border
shadow_fgclr, shadow_bgclr... color of shadow
title_fgclr, title_bgclr..... color of title
char *border...................... border characters
*shadow...................... shadow characters
*title....................... window title
document *text.................... pointer to text of window
} window_data;
typedef struct point2_struct { /* 2d point */
double x, y;
} point2;
typedef point2 vector2;
typedef struct point2_int_struct { /* 2d integer point */
int x, y;
} point2_int;
typedef struct matrix3_struct { /* 3-by-3 matrix */
double element[3][3];
} matrix3;
typedef struct box2d_struct { /* 2d box */
point2 min, max;
} box2;
typedef struct point3_struct { /* 3d point */
double x, y, z;
} point3;
typedef point3 vector3;
typedef struct point3_int_struct { /* 3d integer point */
int x, y, z;
} point3_int;
typedef struct matrix4_struct { /* 4-by-4 matrix */
double element[4][4];
} matrix4;
typedef struct box3d_struct { /* 3d box */
point3 min, max;
} box3;
volatile external boolean blink default is TRUE
blink = TRUE if blinking characters and 8 background colors
else blink = FALSE if no blinking characters and 16 background colors
volatile extern boolean mousepresent default is FALSE
mousepresent = TRUE if mouse is detected by function "ms_init"
else mousepresent = FALSE if mouse is not found by function "ms_init"
volatile extern word chr_output default is MAX
chr_output = maximum number of characters to print with any output subfunction
(useful for windowing text)
= MAX for no limit on the number of characters to print
volatile external boolean txt_cur_move default is TRUE
txt_cur_move = TRUE if text cursor will move if x = y = TCUR
else txt_cur_move = FALSE if text cursor will not move if x = y = TCUR
volatile extern word txt_length default is 80
character width of virtual text screen (used when smooth scrolling)
----------------------------------- FILE -------------------------------------
FILE *fil_count(char *filename,
char *title, char *author, char *msgs[], word msg_num);
Function: Report the number of program executions, print a random comment, and
and print the amount of memory available.
FILE *fil_count_reg(char *filename, char *title, char *author, char *registree);
Function: Report the number of program executions, print to whom the program
is registered to, and print the amount of memory available.
Arguments: = opens the data file "filename" and increment the number of program
= the program title "title" and the author name "author" is used in
all messages referencing this information
= fil_count - one of "msg_num" messages stored in "msgs" will be
printed (chosen randomly)
= fil_count_reg - prints to whom the program is registered to
Notes: The file pointer is set to just after the first integer (the program
execution counter). NOTE #include <alloc.h> must be present in the
module that calls this function or the reported amount of available
memory will be inaccurate. If a file error occurs, an exit to DOS, with
the appropriate message and ERRORLEVEL=1, will follow.
Return Value: = file handle of data file
long fil_len(FILE *f);
Function: Return the length of a file, in bytes.
Arguments: = "f" - file handle of file to return to length of
Notes: The current position of the file is not modified.
Return Value: = length of file, in bytes
char *fil_next_str(word *size, FILE *f);
Function: Return the next string from the current file position.
char *fil_next_word(word *size, FILE *f);
Function: Return the next word from the current file position.
Arguments: = "size" - initial size of input buffer
= "f" - file handle to read from
Notes: A string can consist of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, apostrophes, or
text surrounded in quotes, like "It is: 04/12/94" -- nothing else. A
word can consist of only alphabet letters. If the input buffer ever
becomes full, it is increased by "size" bytes. "size" is modified to the
new size.
Return Value: = pointer to word read in (file pointer is set to the byte just
after the word)
= NULL if no word was found (file pointer is set to EOF)
See Also: fil_read_to
char *fil_read_to(char *str, word *size, FILE *f);
Function: Return from the current file position upto the first occurrence of a
char *fil_read_to_strip(char *str, word *size, FILE *f);
Function: Return from the current file position upto the first occurrence of a
string, stripping all comments (beginning with a ';'), blank lines,
and extra spaces, and strip all spaces surrounding '=' (equal signs).
Arguments: = "str" - string to read up to
= "size" - initial size of input buffer
= "f" - file handle to read from
Notes: If the input buffer ever becomes full, it is increased by "size" bytes.
"size" is modified to the new size.
For "fil_read_to_strip", an example of what is stripped:
This is "not; [I] = say" ;he said
[not [" I"] say]
to = this.
This is "not; [I] = say"
[not [" I"] say]
- Text inside quotation marks (ie. string) is unaltered ('[' ']' are also
considered to be quotation marks)
- note that these may be nested, and the actual quotation marks are
considered to be the outside ones
Return Value: = pointer to contents of file read in (file pointer is set to the
byte just after the match)
= NULL if no match was found (file pointer is set to EOF)
See Also: fil_next_word fil_skip_to
word fil_skip_past(char *str, FILE *f);
Function: Search from the current file position for the first occurrence of a
string, and set the file pointer to just past it.
Arguments: = "str" - string to skip past
= "f" - file handle to read from
Return Value: = number of bytes acanned upto (and including) last byte of match
(file pointer is set to byte just after match)
= FALSE if no match was found (file pointer is set to EOF)
See Also: fil_skip_to
word fil_skip_to(char *str, FILE *f);
Function: Search from the current file position for the first occurrence of a
string, and set the file pointer to the beginning of it.
Arguments: = "str" - string to skip to
= "f" - file handle to read from
Return Value: = number of bytes acanned upto (and including) first byte of match
(file pointer is set to first byte of match)
= FALSE if no match was found (file pointer is set to EOF)
See Also: fil_read_to fil_skip_past
--------------------------------- INI FILE -----------------------------------
boolean ini_get_boolean(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
Function: Translate the boolean word "TRUE" or "FALSE" into the boolean
numerical value TRUE or FALSE, respectively.
Arguments: = from .INI file section "section", specifically under the section
entitled "section_title", the boolean from option "option" is read
Notes: Only "TRUE" or "FALSE" are recognized. See the function
"ini_read_section" for an example of a typical .INI file, where section
titles, options, and parameters are explained.
Return Value: = FALSE if found string "FALSE"
= TRUE if found string "TRUE"
See Also: ini_get_color ini_get_number
byte ini_get_color(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
Function: Translate a color name into its numerical equivalent.
Arguments: = from .INI file section "section", specifically under the section
entitled "section_title", the color from option "option" is read
Notes: Only "BLACK", "BLUE", "GREEN", "CYAN", "RED", "MAGENTA", "BROWN",
"LIGHTRED", "LIGHTMAGENTA", "YELLOW", and "WHITE" are recognized. See
the function "ini_read_section" for an example of a typical .INI file,
where section titles, options, and parameters are explained.
Return Value: = numerical equivalent of color name
See Also: ini_get_boolean
int ini_get_number(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
Function: Translate an ASCII representation of a number into its numerical
Arguments: = from .INI file section "section", specifically under the section
entitled "section_title", the number from option "option" is read
Notes: Only decimal number strings are recognized. See the function
"ini_read_section" for an example of a typical .INI file, where section
titles, options, and parameters are explained.
Return Value: = numerical representation of number string
See Also: ini_get_boolean ini_get_position ini_get_rows
int ini_get_position(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
Function: Translate the screen position "TOP" or "BOTTOM" into its row number
Arguments: = from .INI file section "section", specifically under the section
entitled "section_title", the screen position from option "option"
is read
Notes: Only "TOP" or "BOTTOM" are recognized. See the function
"ini_read_section" for an example of a typical .INI file, where section
titles, options, and parameters are explained.
Return Value: = screen row number
See Also: ini_get_number
int ini_get_rows(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
Function: Translate the number of rows per screen "25", "50", or "UNMODIFY" into
its numerical equivalent.
Arguments: = from .INI file section "section", specifically under the section
entitled "section_title", the number of rows per screen from option
"option" is read
Notes: Only "25", "50", or "UNMODIFY" are recognized. See the function
"ini_read_section" for an example of a typical .INI file, where section
titles, options, and parameters are explained.
Return Value: = 25 if found string "25"
= 50 if found string "50"
= current number of rows per screen if found string "UNMODIFY"
See Also: ini_get_position ini_get_state
int ini_get_state(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
Function: Translate the keyboard state "ON", "OFF", or "UNMODIFY" into a
numerical equivalent.
Arguments: = from .INI file section "section", specifically under the section
entitled "section_title", the keyboard state from option "option"
is read
Notes: Only "ON", "OFF", or "UNMODIFY" are recognized. See the function
"ini_read_section" for an example of a typical .INI file, where section
titles, options, and parameters are explained.
Return Value: = 0 if found string "ON"
= 1 if found string "OFF"
= 2 if found string "UNMODIFY"
See Also: ini_get_rows
byte ini_get_state(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
Function: Translate the keyboard state "ON", "OFF", or "UNMODIFY" into its
numerical equivalent.
Arguments: = from .INI file section "section", specifically under the section
entitled "section_title", the keyboard state from option "option"
is read
Notes: Only "ON", "OFF", or "UNMODIFY" are recognized. See the function
"ini_read_section" for an example of a typical .INI file, where section
titles, options, and parameters are explained.
Return Value: = 0 if found string "OFF"
= 1 if found string "ON"
= 2 if found string "UNMODIFY"
See Also: ini_get_position ini_get_yesno
char *ini_get_text(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
Function: Translate a string surrounded by quotes into a string not surrounded
by quotes.
Arguments: = from .INI file section "section", specifically under the section
entitled "section_title", the quote-enclosed string from option
"option" is read
Notes: See the function "ini_read_section" for an example of a typical .INI
file, where section titles, options, and parameters are explained.
Return Value: = string with end-quotes removed
See Also: ini_get_yesno
boolean ini_get_yesno(char *section, char *section_title, char *option);
Function: Translate the response "YES" or "NO into its numerical equivalent.
Arguments: = from .INI file section "section", specifically under the section
entitled "section_title", the response from option "option" is read
Notes: Only "YES" or "NO" are recognized. See the function "ini_read_section"
for an example of a typical .INI file, where section titles, options, and
parameters are explained.
Return Value: = TRUE if found string "YES"
= FALSE if found string "NO"
See Also: ini_get_state ini_get_text
char *ini_read_section(char *str1, char *str2, FILE *f);
Function: Read in the relevant information of a section.
Arguments: = from .INI file handle "f", the section, beginning with the string
"str1" and ending with the string "str2", is read in and returned.
Notes: The information is read via a call to the function "fil_read_to_strip";
see that function's documentation for what is stripped and what is kept.
Return Value: = relevant section text
See Also: ini_read_keystore
/* this is a comment, and not part of the .INI file */
/* ^----- this is a section beginning, but can also serve as a section title */
Rows = UNMODIFY ;number of rows per screen page (can be 25 or 50)
RightMargin = 80 ;right margin
/* ^------ UNMODIFY and 80 are parameters associated with options */
/* ^----- the above two are options within a section */
[Initial State] ;initial keyboard status
CAPSLock = UNMODIFY ; initial state of the CAPS Lock
Insert = ON ; initial state of Insert
[End Of File] ;end-of-file message
BGColor = BLACK ; background color
FGColor = WHITE ; foreground color
Text = "<≡≡≡ End-Of-File ≡≡≡>" ; text to represent end-of-file
[MENU] begin
Show = YES ;always show main menu?
Position = TOP ;position of menu on screen (TOP or BOTTOM)
[Normal Text] ;normal menu text
BGColor = BLACK ; background color
FGColor = LIGHTGREY ; foreground color
; main menu items
Text = " ≡ File Case Control Line Draw Miscellaneous Help "
[MENU] end
--------------------------------- KEYBOARD -----------------------------------
void kbd_all_off(void);
Function: Disable all of the three LOCKS (CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, and SCROLL
LOCK) and turns all of these lights off.
void kbd_all_on(void);
Function: Enable all of the three LOCKS (CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, and SCROLL LOCK)
and turns all of these lights on.
See Also: kbd_is_all_on kbd_caps_off kbd_insert_off kbd_num_off kbd_scroll_off
void kbd_caps_off(void);
Function: Disable the CAPS LOCK key and turns off its light.
void kbd_caps_on(void);
Function: Enable the CAPS LOCK key and turns on its light.
See Also: kbd_is_caps_on kbd_all_off kbd_insert_off kbd_num_off kbd_scroll_off
char kbd_clear(void);
Function: Clear the keyboard buffer of all keystrokes.
Notes: The keyboard buffer is completely emptied. This is used in common DOS
functions, such as "Are you sure (Y/N)?" before a "del *.*". It
ensures the user did not accidentally type a key that he did not wish
to be "remembered" for the next question.
Return Value: = ASCII code of the last character that was in the buffer
See Also: kbd_hit
void kbd_give(void);
Function: Give control back to the original keyboard interrupt.
See Also: kbd_take
char kbd_hit(void);
Function: Check the keyboard buffer to see if a key has been pressed.
Notes: The keypress detected is not removed from the keyboard buffer (ie. a
second call to "kbd_hit" would still return TRUE). To remove the key
from the keyboard buffer, call "getchr" or "getchre".
Return Value: = ASCII value of key, if a key has been pressed
= 0 if no key has been pressed
See Also: getchr kbd_clear
void kbd_insert_off(void);
Function: Disable the INSERT key and turns off its light.
void kbd_insert_on(void);
Function: Enable the INSERT key and turns on its light.
See Also: kbd_is_insert_on kbd_all_off kbd_caps_off kbd_num_off kbd_scroll_off
boolean kbd_is_all_on(void);
Function: Report if all of the three LOCKS (CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, and
SCROLL LOCK) are active.
Return Value: = TRUE - all three LOCKS are active
= FALSE - all three LOCKS are not active
See Also: kbd_is_alt kbd_all_on kbd_is_caps_on kbd_is_insert_on kbd_is_num_on kbd_is_scroll_on
boolean kbd_is_alt(void);
Function: Report if either alt is depressed.
boolean kbd_is_alt_only(void);
Function: Report if only an alt is depressed (and not a ctrl or a shift).
boolean kbd_is_alt_left(void);
Function: Report if the left alt is depressed.
boolean kbd_is_alt_left_only(void);
Function: Report if only the left alt is depressed (and not the right alt, a
ctrl, or a shift).
boolean kbd_is_alt_right(void);
Function: Report if the right alt is depressed.
boolean kbd_is_alt_right_only(void);
Function: Report if only the right alt is depressed (and not the left alt, a
ctrl, or a shift).
Return Value: = kbd_is_alt - TRUE - an alt is depressed
- FALSE - an alt is not depressed
kbd_is_alt_only - TRUE - only alt is depressed
- FALSE - alt is not the only mode key
kbd_is_alt_left - TRUE - left alt is depressed
- FALSE - left alt is not depressed
kbd_is_alt_left_only - TRUE - only left alt is depressed
- FALSE - left alt is not the only mode key
kbd_is_alt_right - TRUE - right alt is depressed
- FALSE - right alt is not depressed
kbd_is_alt_right_only - TRUE - only right alt is depressed
- FALSE - right alt is not the only mode key
See Also: kbd_is_all_on kbd_is_ctrl kbd_is_shift
boolean kbd_is_caps_on(void);
Function: Report if CAPS LOCK is active.
Return Value: = TRUE - CAPS LOCK is active
= FALSE - CAPS LOCK is not active
See Also: kbd_caps_on kbd_is_all_on kbd_is_insert_on kbd_is_num_on kbd_is_scroll_on
boolean kbd_is_ctrl(void);
Function: Report if either ctrl is depressed.
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_only(void);
Function: Report if only a ctrl is depressed (and not an alt or a shift).
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_left(void);
Function: Report if the left ctrl is depressed.
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_left_only(void);
Function: Report if only the left ctrl is depressed (and not the right ctrl, a
ctrl, or a shift).
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_right(void);
Function: Report if the right ctrl is depressed.
boolean kbd_is_ctrl_right_only(void);
Function: Report if only the right ctrl is depressed (and not the left ctrl, a
ctrl, or a shift).
Return Value: = kbd_is_ctrl - TRUE - a ctrl is depressed
- FALSE - a ctrl is not depressed
kbd_is_ctrl_only - TRUE - only ctrl is depressed
- FALSE - ctrl is not the only mode key
kbd_is_ctrl_left - TRUE - left ctrl is depressed
- FALSE - left ctrl is not depressed
kbd_is_ctrl_left_only - TRUE - only left ctrl is depressed
- FALSE - left ctrl is not the only mode key
kbd_is_ctrl_right - TRUE - right ctrl is depressed
- FALSE - right ctrl is not depressed
kbd_is_ctrl_right_only - TRUE - only right ctrl is depressed
- FALSE - right ctrl is not the only mode key
See Also: kbd_is_alt kbd_is_shift
boolean kbd_is_insert_on(void);
Function: Report if INSERT is active.
Return Value: = TRUE - INSERT is active
= FALSE - INSERT is not active
See Also: kbd_insert_on kbd_is_all_on kbd_is_caps_on kbd_is_num_on kbd_is_scroll_on
boolean kbd_is_num_on(void);
Function: Report if NUM LOCK is active.
Return Value: = TRUE - NUM LOCK is active
= FALSE - NUM LOCK is not active
See Also: kbd_num_on kbd_is_all_on kbd_is_caps_on kbd_is_insert_on kbd_is_scroll_on
boolean kbd_is_scroll_on(void);
Function: Report if SCROLL LOCK is active.
Return Value: = TRUE - SCROLL LOCK is active
= FALSE - SCROLL LOCK is not active
See Also: kbd_scroll_on kbd_is_all_on kbd_is_caps_on kbd_is_insert_on kbd_is_num_on
boolean kbd_is_shift(void);
Function: Report if either shift is depressed.
boolean kbd_is_shift_only(void);
Function: Report if only a shift is depressed (and not an alt or a ctrl).
boolean kbd_is_shift_left(void);
Function: Report if the left shift is depressed.
boolean kbd_is_shift_left_only(void);
Function: Report if only the left shift is depressed (and not the right shift,
an alt, or a ctrl).
boolean kbd_is_shift_right(void);
Function: Report if the right shift is depressed.
boolean kbd_is_shift_right_only(void);
Function: Report if only the right shift is depressed (and not the left shift,
an alt, or a ctrl).
Return Value: = kbd_is_shift - TRUE a shift is depressed
- FALSE a shift is not depressed
= kbd_is_shift_only - TRUE only a shift is depressed
- FALSE shift is not the only mode key
= kbd_is_shift_left - TRUE left shift is depressed
- FALSE left shift is not depressed
= kbd_is_shift_left_only - TRUE only left shift is depressed
- FALSE left shift is not the only mode
key depressed
= kbd_is_shift_right - TRUE right shift is depressed
- FALSE right shift is not depressed
= kbd_is_shift_right_only - TRUE only right shift is depressed
- FALSE right shift is not the only mode
key depressed
See Also: kbd_is_alt kbd_is_ctrl
void kbd_num_off(void);
Function: Disable the NUM LOCK key and turns off its light.
void kbd_num_on(void);
Function: Enable the NUM LOCK key and turns on its light.
See Also: kbd_is_num_on kbd_all_off kbd_caps_off kbd_insert_off kbd_scroll_off
void kbd_rate(byte rate, byte delay);
Function: Set typematic rate and typematic delay for repeat-key action.
Arguments: = typematic rate "rate" determines how many characters per second are
printed, according to the following chart:
| rate | chars/sec || rate | chars/sec || rate | chars/sec || rate | chars/sec |
| 0 | 30.0 || 8 | 15.0 || 16 | 7.5 || 24 | 3.7 |
| 1 | 26.7 || 9 | 13.3 || 17 | 6.7 || 25 | 3.3 |
| 2 | 24.0 || 10 | 12.0 || 18 | 6.0 || 26 | 3.0 |
| 3 | 21.8 || 11 | 10.9 || 19 | 5.5 || 27 | 2.7 |
| 4 | 20.0 || 12 | 10.0 || 20 | 5.0 || 28 | 2.5 |
| 5 | 18.5 || 13 | 9.2 || 21 | 4.6 || 29 | 2.3 |
| 6 | 17.1 || 14 | 8.6 || 22 | 4.3 || 30 | 2.1 |
| 7 | 16.0 || 15 | 8.0 || 23 | 4.0 || 31 | 2.0 |
= typematic delay "delay" determines how many milliseconds before the
the repeat-key action begins, according to the following chart:
| delay | millisec |
| 0 | 250 |
| 1 | 500 |
| 2 | 750 |
| 3 | 1000 |
void kbd_scroll_off(void);
Function: Disable the SCROLL LOCK key and turns off its light.
void kbd_scroll_on(void);
Function: Enable the SCROLL LOCK key and turns on its light.
See Also: kbd_is_scroll_on kbd_all_off kbd_caps_off kbd_insert_off kbd_num_off
void kbd_status_load(void);
Function: Restore the previously saved keyboard status of insert, caps lock, num
lock, and scroll lock
void kbd_status_save(void);
Function: Save the current keyboard status of insert, caps lock, num lock, and
scroll lock
void kbd_take(void);
Function: Take control of the keyboard interrupt.
See Also: kbd_give
char getchr(void);
Function: Get the next available keypress; if none available, wait for one.
char getchre(byte x, byte y);
Function: Get the next available keypress and echo it to the screen; if no
keypress available, wait for one.
Arguments: = getchre - the character in the buffer is printed at "x","y"
Notes: "getchr" and "getchre" store the ASCII and scan codes of the character
in the keyboard buffer into the structure "asciiscan" (see Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "asciiscan").
Return Value: = getchr - ASCII code of character retrieved from keyboard
getchre - buffer
See Also: kbd_hit
-------------------------------- LINKED LIST ---------------------------------
llist *lst_find(llist *node, llist *list);
Function: Search for a node of a linked list.
Arguments: = search for node "node" in linked list "list"
Return Value: = "node" of linked list
= NULL if "node" not found in linked list
See Also: lst_end
llist_double *lst_free_double(llist_double *list);
Function: Deallocate each node of a doubly linked list.
Arguments: = deallocate doubly linked list "list"
Return Value: = NULL
See Also: lst_free_single lst_unlink_double
llist_single *lst_free_single(llist_single *list);
Function: Deallocate each node of a singly linked list.
Arguments: = deallocate singly linked list "list"
Return Value: = NULL
See Also: lst_end lst_free_double
llist *lst_tail(llist *list);
Function: Return the tail of a linked list.
Arguments: = use linked list "list"
Return Value: = tail of linked list
See Also: lst_find lst_free_single
llist_double *lst_unlink_double(llist_double **head, llist_double *unlink);
Function: Unlink a node from a doubly linked list.
Arguments: = unlink node "unlink" from doubly linked list who's head is pointed
to by "head"
Return Value: = next node in linked list
= NULL if no further nodes in linked list
See Also: lst_free_double lst_unlink_single
llist_single *lst_unlink_single(llist_single **head, llist_single *unlink);
Function: Unlink a node from a singly linked list.
Arguments: = unlink node "unlink" from singly linked list who's head is pointed
to by "head"
Return Value: = next node in linked list
= NULL if no further nodes in linked list
See Also: lst_unlink_double
----------------------------------- MATH -------------------------------------
byte max_byte(word nums, byte num1, ...);
Function: Return the maximum of a list of bytes.
int max_int(word nums, int num1, ...);
Function: Return the maximum of a list of integers.
shortint max_shortint(word nums, shortint num1, ...);
Function: Return the maximum of a list of short integers.
word max_word(word nums, word num1, ...);
Function: Return the maximum of a list of words.
Arguments: = number of numbers "nums", beginning with "num1"
Return Value: = greatest number of the list
See Also: min_byte
byte min_byte(word nums, byte num1, ...);
Function: Return the minimum of a list of bytes.
int min_int(word nums, int num1, ...);
Function: Return the minimum of a list of integers.
shortint min_shortint(word nums, shortint num1, ...);
Function: Return the minimum of a list of short integers.
word min_word(word nums, word num1, ...);
Function: Return the minimum of a list of words.
Arguments: = number of numbers "nums", beginning with "num1"
Return Value: = smallest number of the list
See Also: max_byte
---------------------------------- MATRIX -------------------------------------
matrix3 *m3_add( matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B, matrix3 *C )
Function: Add two 3x3 matrices.
Arguments: = 3x3 matrix "C" equals 3x3 matrices "A" + "B"
Notes: "C" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = A + B
See Also: m3_mul m3_sub m4_add
matrix3 *m3_det( matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B )
Function: Return the determinant of a 3x3 matrix.
Arguments: = 3x3 matrix "B" equals the determinant of the 3x3 matrix "A"
Notes: "B" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = det(B)
See Also: m4_det
matrix3 *m3_div( matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B, matrix3 *C )
Function: Divide two 3x3 matrices.
Arguments: = 3x3 matrix "C" equals 3x3 matrices "A" / "B"
Notes: "C" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = A / B
See Also: m3_mul m3_sub m4_div
matrix3 *m3_inv( matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B )
Function: Return the inverse of a 3x3 matrix.
Arguments: = 3x3 matrix "B" equals the inverse of the 3x3 matrix "A"
Notes: "B" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = B^ or inv(B)
See Also: m4_inv
matrix3 *m3_mul( matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B, matrix3 *C )
Function: Multiply two 3x3 matrices.
Arguments: = 3x3 matrix "C" equals 3x3 matrices "A" * "B"
Notes: "C" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = A * B
See Also: m3_add m3_div m4_mul
matrix3 *m3_sub( matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B, matrix3 *C )
Function: Subtract two 3x3 matrices.
Arguments: = 3x3 matrix "C" equals 3x3 matrices "A" - "B"
Notes: "C" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = A - B
See Also: m3_div m3_add m4_sub
matrix3 *m3_transpose( matrix3 *A, matrix3 *B)
Function: Transpose a 3x3 matrix.
Arguments: = 3x3 matrix "B" equals the transpose of the 3x3 matrices "A"
Notes: "B" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = transpose(A)
See Also: m4_transpose
matrix4 *m4_add( matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B, matrix4 *C )
Function: Add two 4x4 matrices.
Arguments: = 4x4 matrix "C" equals 4x4 matrices "A" + "B"
Notes: "C" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = A + B
See Also: m3_add m4_mul m4_sub
matrix4 *m4_det( matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B )
Function: Return the determinant of a 4x4 matrix.
Arguments: = 4x4 matrix "B" equals the determinant of the 4x4 matrix "A"
Notes: "B" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = det(B)
See Also: m3_det
matrix4 *m4_div( matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B, matrix4 *C )
Function: Divide two 4x4 matrices.
Arguments: = 4x4 matrix "C" equals 4x4 matrices "A" / "B"
Notes: "C" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = A / B
See Also: m3_div m4_mul m4_sub
matrix4 *m4_mul( matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B, matrix4 *C )
Function: Multiply two 4x4 matrices.
Arguments: = 4x4 matrix "C" equals 4x4 matrices "A" * "B"
Notes: "C" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = A * B
See Also: m3_mul
matrix4 *m4_inv( matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B )
Function: Return the inverse of a 4x4 matrix.
Arguments: = 4x4 matrix "B" equals the inverse of the 4x4 matrix "A"
Notes: "B" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = B^ or inv(B)
See Also: m3_inv
matrix4 *m4_sub( matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B, matrix4 *C )
Function: Subtract two 4x4 matrices.
Arguments: = 4x4 matrix "C" equals 4x4 matrices "A" - "B"
Notes: "C" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = A - B
See Also: m3_sub m4_div m4_add
matrix4 *m4_transpose( matrix4 *A, matrix4 *B)
Function: Transpose a 4x4 matrix.
Arguments: = 4x4 matrix "B" equals the transpose of the 4x4 matrices "A"
Notes: "B" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = transpose(A)
See Also: m3_transpose
-------------------------------- 2D VECTORS ----------------------------------
vector2 *v2_add( vector2 *u, vector2 *v, vector2 *w )
Function: Add two 2D vectors.
Arguments: = 2D vector "w" equals 2D vectors "u" + "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = u + v
See Also: v3_add
vector2 *v2_combine( vector2 *u, double c1,
vector2 *v, double c2, vector2 *w )
Function: Return the linear combination of two 2D vectors.
Arguments: = 2D vector "w" equals scalar constant "c1" * 2D vector "u"
+ scalar constant "c2" * 2D vector "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = c1(u) + c2(v)
See Also: v3_combine
vector2 *v2_copy( vector2 *v )
Function: Make a copy of a 2D vector.
Arguments: = a copy is made of the 2D vector "v"
Return Value: = copy of 2D vector "v"
See Also: v2_new v3_copy
double v2_dot( vector2 *u, vector2 *v )
Function: Return the dot product of two 2D vectors.
Arguments: = 2D vector "w" equals 2D vectors "u" dot "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = u dot v
See Also: v3_dot
double v2_len( vector2 *v )
Function: Return the magnitude (length) of a 2D vector.
Arguments: = length of the 2D vector "v" is returned
Return Value: = length of v
See Also: v3_len
double v2_len_sqr( vector2 *v )
Function: Return the magnitude of a 2D vector squared (squared length).
Arguments: = use 2D vector "v"
Return Value: = squared length of "v"
See Also: v3_len_sqr
vector2 *v2_lerp( vector2 *lo, vector2 *hi, double alpha, vector2 *w )
Function: Linearly interpolate between two 2D vectors by some amount.
Arguments: = 2D vector "w" equals linear interpolation between two 2D vectors
"lo" and "hi" by amount "alpha"
Notes: When "alpha" = 0, "w" = "lo". When "alpha" = 1, "w" = "hi".
Return Value: = linear interpolation between lo and hi by alpha
See Also: v3_lerp
vector2 *v2_mul( vector2 *u, vector2 *v, vector2 *w )
Function: Multiply two 2D vectors component-wise.
Arguments: = 2D vector "w" equals 2D vectors "u" * "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = u * v
See Also: v3_mul
Point2 *v2_mul_by_proj( Point2 *p, matrix3 *A, Point2 *q )
Function: Multiply a point by a projection matrix and return the transformed
Arguments: = 2D point "q" equals 2D point "p" * projection matrix "A"
Notes: "q" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = p * A
See Also: v3_mul_by_proj
vector2 *v2_neg( vector2 *v )
Function: Negate a 2D vector.
Arguments: = 2D vector "v" is negated
Notes: "v" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = -v
See Also: v3_neg
vector2 *v2_new( double x, double y )
Function: Create and initialize a new 2D vector.
Arguments: = new 2D vector initialized to ("x","y")
Return Value: = new 2D vector
See Also: v2_copy v3_new
vector2 *v2_norm( vector2 *v )
Function: Normalize a 2D vector (becomes unit length).
Arguments: = 2D vector "v" is normalized.
Notes: "v" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = normal v
See Also: v3_norm
vector2 *v2_ortho( vector2 *u, vector2 *v )
Function: Return some orthogonal (perpendicular) 2D vector to a 2D vector.
Arguments: = 2D vector "v" equals some orthogonal vector to 2D vectur "u"
Notes: "v" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = some orthogonal vector to "u"
See Also: v3_ortho
vector2 *v2_scale( vector2 *v, double newlen )
Function: Scale a 2D vector to some new length.
Arguments: = 2D vector "v" is scaled to length "newlen"
Notes: "v" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = v scaled to length newlen
See Also: v3_scale
double v2_seg_len( Point2 *p, Point2 *q )
Function: Return the distance between two 2D points (length of line segment).
Arguments: = 2D points "p" and "q" form endpoints line segment
Return Value: = length of line segment pq
See Also: v3_segment_length
vector2 *v2_sub( vector2 *u, vector2 *v, vector2 *w )
Function: Subtract two 2D vectors.
Arguments: = 2D vector "w" equals 2D vectors "u" - "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = u - v
See Also: v3_sub
-------------------------------- 3D VECTORS ----------------------------------
vector3 *v3_add( vector3 *u, vector3 *v, vector3 *w )
Function: Add two 3D vectors.
Arguments: = 3D vector "w" equals 3D vectors "u" + "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = u + v
See Also: v2_add
vector3 *v3_combine( vector3 *u, double c1,
vector3 *v, double c3, vector3 *w )
Function: Return the linear combination of two 3D vectors.
Arguments: = 3D vector "w" equals scalar constant "c1" * 3D vector "u"
+ scalar constant "c3" * 3D vector "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = c1(u) + c3(v)
See Also: v2_combine
vector3 *v3_copy( vector3 *v )
Function: Make a copy of a 3D vector.
Arguments: = a copy is made of the 3D vector "v"
Return Value: = copy of 3D vector "v"
See Also: v2_copy v3_new
double v3_dot( vector3 *u, vector3 *v )
Function: Return the dot product of two 3D vectors.
Arguments: = 3D vector "w" equals 3D vectors "u" dot "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = u dot v
See Also: v2_dot
double v3_len( vector3 *v )
Function: Return the magnitude (length) of a 3D vector.
Arguments: = length of the 3D vector "v" is returned
Return Value: = length of v
See Also: v2_len
double v3_len_sqr( vector3 *v )
Function: Return the magnitude of a 3D vector squared (squared length).
Arguments: = use 3D vector "v"
Return Value: = squared length of "v"
See Also: v2_len_sqr
vector3 *v3_lerp( vector3 *lo, vector3 *hi, double alpha, vector3 *w )
Function: Linearly interpolate between two 3D vectors by some amount.
Arguments: = 3D vector "w" equals linear interpolation between two 3D vectors
"lo" and "hi" by amount "alpha"
Notes: When "alpha" = 0, "w" = "lo". When "alpha" = 1, "w" = "hi".
Return Value: = linear interpolation between lo and hi by alpha
See Also: v2_lerp
vector3 *v3_mul( vector3 *u, vector3 *v, vector3 *w )
Function: Multiply two 3D vectors component-wise.
Arguments: = 3D vector "w" equals 3D vectors "u" * "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = u * v
See Also: v2_mul v3_mul_by_proj
Point3 *v3_mul_by_proj( Point3 *p, matrix3 *A, Point3 *q )
Function: Multiply a point by a projection matrix and return the transformed
Arguments: = 3D point "q" equals 3D point "p" * projection matrix "A"
Notes: "q" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = p * A
See Also: v2_mul_by_proj v3_mul_by_matrix
Point3 *v3_mul_by_matrix( Point3 *p, matrix3 *A, Point3 *q )
Function: Multiply a point by a matrix and return the transformed point.
Arguments: = 3D point "q" equals 3D point "p" * matrix "A"
Notes: "q" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = p * A
See Also: v3_mul_by_proj
vector3 *v3_neg( vector3 *v )
Function: Negate a 3D vector.
Arguments: = 3D vector "v" is negated
Notes: "v" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = -v
See Also: v2_neg
vector3 *v3_new( double x, double y )
Function: Create and initialize a new 3D vector.
Arguments: = new 3D vector initialized to ("x","y")
Return Value: = new 3D vector
See Also: v2_new v3_copy
vector3 *v3_norm( vector3 *v )
Function: Normalize a 3D vector (becomes unit length).
Arguments: = 3D vector "v" is normalized.
Notes: "v" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = normal v
See Also: v2_norm
vector3 *v3_ortho( vector3 *u, vector3 *v )
Function: Return some orthogonal (perpendicular) 3D vector to a 3D vector.
Arguments: = 3D vector "v" equals some orthogonal vector to 3D vectur "u"
Notes: "v" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = some orthogonal vector to "u"
See Also: v2_ortho
vector3 *v3_scale( vector3 *v, double newlen )
Function: Scale a 3D vector to some new length.
Arguments: = 3D vector "v" is scaled to length "newlen"
Notes: "v" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = v scaled to length newlen
See Also: v2_scale
double v3_seg_len( Point3 *p, Point3 *q )
Function: Return the distance between two 3D points (length of line segment).
Arguments: = 3D points "p" and "q" form endpoints line segment
Return Value: = length of line segment pq
See Also: v2_segment_length
vector3 *v3_sub( vector3 *u, vector3 *v, vector3 *w )
Function: Subtract two 3D vectors.
Arguments: = 3D vector "w" equals 3D vectors "u" - "v"
Notes: "w" is assigned the return value.
Return Value: = u - v
See Also: v2_sub
------------------------------- MISCELLANEOUS --------------------------------
void beep(void);
Function: Beep the internal speaker.
Notes: This procedure is useful for signifying an error by the user or to
attract the user's attention.
byte bestlib_init(byte mode, boolean mouse);
Function: Initialize THE BEST LIBRARY and set default values.
Arguments: = will change to video mode "mode"
- FALSE does not change the video mode
- [value] any number that represents a video mode
- TEXT change to a text mode if not already in one
- TEXT25 change to 25-line color or monochrome mode (depending
on the display adapter installed) if not already in it
- TEXT50 change to 50-line color mode if not already in it
- TEXT25F change to 25-line color or monochrome mode (depending
on the display adapter installed) regardless of whether
or not already in it
- TEXT50F change to 50-line color mode regardless of whether or
not already in it
- VGA16 change to 640x480 16 color graphics mode
- VGA256 change to 320x200 256 color graphics mode
= if "mouse" equals
- TRUE - initializes mouse to video mode "mode" (if "mode" =
FALSE, initializes to current video mode) by a call to
- FALSE - does not initialize mouse
Notes: "bestlib_init" sets up necessary default internal values; run it before
using any functions from THE BEST LIBRARY. The following default
global variables are initialized:
blink = TRUE
txt_cur_move = TRUE
If "bestlib_init" is called from a text mode, it fills the structure
"cursor" and saves the text video memory by a call to
"txt_mem(TEXTSAVE, NULL)". The delay counter is initialized to the
speed of the computer by a call to "msec".
Return Value: = previous video mode if the video mode was changed (if not
changed, then "bestlib_init" returns the current video mode)
See Also: _video_set
void boot(word how);
Function: Either warm or cold boot the system.
Arguments: = will boot the computer according to "how":
- WARM warm boot the system
- COLD cold boot the system
Notes: A warm boot is the same as pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del -- a cold boot is the
same as pressing the reset button. WARNING a cold boot should not be
performed unless all disk activity has completed (this includes disk
Return Value: None.
char *dos_shell(void);
Function: Shell to DOS, returning upon the user typing "EXIT".
Notes: Performs an exhaustive search for the file COMMAND.COM, searching first
for COMSPEC= in the DOS environment string and the entire PATH. If not
found, "dos_shell" searches the current path, C:\, C:\DOS, and finally
C:\BIN. If COMMAND.COM is still not found, "dos_shell" aborts and
returns the fifth error message (of the messages displayed below) to the
calling program.
The program screen is not restored upon the user typing "EXIT", this is
the program's responsibility. The video mode, however, is restored.
Return Value: = NULL if successful
= a pointer to the error message if unsuccessful
- possible error messages:
- Bad argument passed to COMMAND.COM
- Too many arguments passed to COMMAND.COM
- Internal error -- exitting to DOS is strongly recommended
- Out of memory -- cannot shell to DOS
- Cannot find file COMMAND.COM -- initialize COMSPEC=[path]COMMAND.COM
Example Program: Prints up a simple menu system. The first and second menu
EXAMP001.EXE options have no real function, as this is just an example.
It waits for the user to select an option and, unless the
exit option was selected, will prompt the user for another
void msec(int delaytime);
Function: Delay the computer for a specific number of milliseconds.
Arguments: = delays the computer for "delaytime" milliseconds
(1000 milliseconds = 1 second)
Notes: This procedure is CPU-independent, meaning it will delay for one
millisecond on a dinosaur 4.77mhz 8088 machine and a super-power 100mhz
586/pentium machine. The first call to this function initializes itself
to the specific computer.
See Also: stopw
Example Program: This program animates some text around the screen, performing
EXAMP003.EXE a pause between each move using the procedure msec.
void sound_off(void);
Function: Stop any sound coming from the speaker.
boolean stopw(byte index, word delaytime);
Function: Initialize a stopwatch to a specific clock-tick delay.
Arguments: = "index" refers to a stopwatch (a unique "index" for each stopwatch)
- must be between 0 and 99 inclusive
= the stopwatch will be set to count down from "delaytime" clock
ticks (1 clock tick = 55 milliseconds, 1 second = 18.2 clock ticks)
- if "delaytime" = FALSE, will read the state of stopwatch "index"
Notes: This procedure is CPU-independent, meaning it will delay for one clock
tick on a dinosaur 4.77mhz 8088 machine and a super-power 100mhz 80586
machine. The first call to this function initializes itself to the
specific computer. It is very useful if you do not wish your program
to stop everything and wait for a period of time. Instead of returning
control when the desired delay time has expired, as the procedure msec
does, control is returned immediately. The only disadvantage of stopw
is the minimum delay is 55 milliseconds, or 55 thousandths of a second
(msec has a minimum delay of one millisecond, or one thousandth of a
Return Value: = if "delaytime" is FALSE will return
- TRUE if stopwatch "index" is finished
- FALSE if stopwatch "index" is not finished
See Also: msec
Example Program: This program sets a random delay for each rock to stay
EXAMP004.EXE stationary using the stopw function. When this delay has
expired, the rock is moved and a new random delay is set.
byte video_get(void);
Function: Read the current state of the video adapter.
void video_set(byte mode);
Function: Change the video mode.
Arguments: = video_set - "mode" represents the video mode to change to
- [value] any number that represents a video mode
- TEXT change to a text mode if not already in one
- TEXT25 change to 25-line color or monochrome mode
(depending on the display adapter
installed) if not already in it
- TEXT50 change to 50-line color mode if not already
in it
- TEXT25F change to 25-line color or monochrome mode
(depending on the display adapter
installed) regardless of whether or not
already in it
- TEXT50F change to 50-line color mode regardless of
whether or not already in it
- VGA16 change to 640x480 16 color graphics mode
- VGA256 change to 320x200 256 color graphics mode
Notes: Both functions call the ROM-BIOS to get/set the video mode. If already
in a text mode and "mode" equals TEXT25F or TEXT50F, the text video
memory is cleared to a BLACK background and LIGHTGREY foreground by the
ROM-BIOS. "video_set" will reset the active and visual video page to
0. NOTE you must re-initialize to mouse with a call to "ms_init" to
the new video mode. Do not input random values for "mode" in
"video_set" because some monitors and video cards are susceptible to
permanent damage if forced into a mode they were not designed for.
Return Value: = video_get - current video mode (same as the "mode"s, used in
video_set, except TEXT25F/TEXT50F are returned as
TEXT25/TEXT50 respectively)
See Also: bestlib_init txt_mem txt_rows
Example Program:
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <!bestlib.h> /* include !BESTLIB.H in compilation */
void main(void)
int oldmode;
bestlib_init(TEXT25); /* initialize THE BEST LIBRARY */
oldmode = video_get(); /* save the old video mode */
/* the actual program code would go here... */
video_set(oldmode); /* restore the original video mode */
exit(0); /* exit to DOS with errorlevel 0 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
----------------------------------- MOUSE ------------------------------------
void ms_get(int *x, int *y);
Function: Store the location of the mouse cursor.
int ms_getx(void);
Function: Return the mouse cursor abscissa.
int ms_gety(void);
Function: Return the mouse cursor ordinate.
Arguments: = ms_get - stores mouse cursor abscissa into "x" and mouse cursor
ordinate into "y"
- if mouse is in text mode, assumes (byte *x, byte *y)
- if "y" is NULL, "x" is assumed to be "int *xy" (or
byte *xy if mouse is in text mode), a data structure
that has "x" and "y" as consecutive integers/bytes
Notes: ms_getx and ms_gety return byte value if the mouse cursor was
initialized in text mode.
Return Value: = ms_getx - abscissa of mouse cursor
= ms_gety - ordinate of mouse cursor
See Also: cur_get ms_set ms_setx ms_sety
void ms_hide(void);
Function: Hide the mouse cursor.
Notes: This procedure works in text and graphics mode. Always hide the mouse
cursor in graphics mode before performing any update to the screen.
The mouse cursor does not have to be hidden during a text mode update
if that update does not modify the attribute of a character.
See Also: ms_show
boolean ms_init(byte mode);
Function: Initialize the mouse driver.
Arguments: = "mode" determines the video mode the mouse will operate in:
- [value] any number that represents a video mode
- TEXT25 25-line text mode
- TEXT50 50-line text mode
- VGA16 640x480 16 color graphics mode
- VGA256 320x200 256 color graphics mode
Notes: The global variable "mousepresent" is set to the return value. The
mouse cursor is centered on the screen (coordinates are stored in
"mousedata.npos[0]","mousedata.npos[1]") and is hidden (use ms_show to
display the cursor). The movement range of the mouse cursor is set to
the screen dimensions. See Global Type Definitions for a description
of the structure "mousedata".
Return Value: = TRUE if mouse driver is detected and initialized
= FALSE if mouse driver is not detected
See Also: video_set
boolean ms_kill(void);
Function: Completely disable the mouse driver so that it must be reloaded to
be used again.
Notes: It is rarely to use this procedure. It is included if the need arises.
Return Value: = TRUE if successful
= FALSE if failed
void ms_range(int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy);
Function: Set the mouse cursor's minimum and maximum range of movement.
Arguments: = minimum x-range is set to "minx" and the maximum to "maxx"
- if "minx" = MIN, minimum abscissa is set to the screen minimum
- if "maxx" = MAX, maximum abscissa is set to the screen maximum
= minimum y-range is set to "miny" and the maximum to "maxy"
- if "miny" = MIN, minimum ordinate is set to the screen minimum
- if "maxy" = MAX, maximum ordinate is set to the screen maximum
Notes: The mouse cursor will not move beyond the set range.
| | TEXT25 | TEXT50 | VGA16 | VGA256 |
| movement range | 0-79 | 0-79 | 0-639 | 0-319 |
| movement range | 0-24 | 0-49 | 0-479 | 0-199 |
void ms_set(int x, int y);
Function: Set the mouse cursor's abscissa and ordinate.
int ms_setx(int x);
Function: Set the mouse cursor's abscissa.
int ms_sety(int y);
Function: Set the mouse cursor's ordinate.
Arguments: = ms_set - sets mouse abscissa,ordinate to "x","y"
ms_setx - sets mouse abscissa to "x"
ms_sety - sets mouse ordinate to "y"
= if "x" = MEM, "mousedata.npos[0]" is used
= if "y" = MEM, "mousedata.npos[1]" is used
Notes: If values are supplied for either "x" or "y", they are stored into
"mousedata.npos[0]" or "mousedata.npos[1]", respectively. See Global
Type Definitions for a description of the structure "mousedata".
Return Value: = ms_setx - mouse ordinate
= ms_sety - mouse abscissa
void ms_shape(byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char ch);
Function: Change the mouse character.
Arguments: = the mouse cursor is changed to the ASCII code "ch"
= the foreground color of the mouse cursor becomes "fgclr"
- if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground color is XORed (ie. a white
foreground would result in a black-foreground mouse cursor).
= the background color of the mouse cursor becomes "bgclr"
- if "bgclr" = NO, the background color is XORed (ie. a black
background would result in a white-background mouse cursor).
Notes: This procedure changes the ASCII code that represents the mouse cursor
and works only in text mode.
void ms_show(void);
Function: Display the mouse cursor.
Notes: "ms_show" cancels one "ms_hide"; for every "ms_hide" called, an
"ms_show" must be called (ie. if "ms_hide" was called three times in
a row, to display the mouse cursor, "ms_show" must be called three
times in a row).
See Also: ms_hide
void ms_stat(void);
Function: Store detailed information about the mouse's status.
Notes: Updates the button status and mouse cursor position information in
"msdata.nbuts" and "msdata.npos", respectively.
---------------------------------- STRING ------------------------------------
char case_down(char ch);
Function: Return the lowercase of a letter.
char case_down_ptr(char *ch);
Function: Convert a letter to lowercase.
char case_flip(char ch);
Function: Return the opposite case of a letter.
char case_flip_ptr(char *ch);
Function: Convert a letter to the opposite case.
char case_up(char ch);
Function: Return the UPPERCASE of a letter.
char case_up_ptr(char *ch);
Function: Convert a letter to uppercase.
Arguments: = case_down - the letter "ch" is returned as lowercase
= case_down_ptr - the letter "ch" is converted to lowercase
= case_flip - the letter "ch" is returned as the opposite case
= case_flip_ptr - the letter "ch" is converted to the opposite case
= case_up - the letter "ch" is returned as UPPERCASE
= case_up_ptr - the letter "ch" is converted to UPPERCASE
Return Value: = case_down/case_down_ptr - the lowercase of "ch"
- "ch" if "ch" is not an UPPERCASE letter
= case_flip/case_flip_ptr - the opposite case of "ch"
- "ch" if "ch" is not a letter
= case_up/case_up_ptr - the UPPERCASE of "ch"
- "ch" if "ch" is not a lowercase letter
See Also: is_case_down is_case_up
Example Program:
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <!bestlib.h> /* include !BESTLIB.H in compilation */
void main(void)
char ch, ch2 = 'V';
bestlib_init(); /* initialize THE BEST LIBRARY */
ch = case_up('g'); /* "ch" will equal 'G' */
ch = case_down(ch2); /* "ch" will equal 'v' */
ch = case_flip('h'); /* "ch" will equal 'H' */
case_down_ptr(&ch2); /* "ch2" will equal 'v' */
case_up_ptr(&ch); /* "ch2" will equal 'V' */
case_flip_ptr(&ch2); /* "ch2" will equal 'v' */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
boolean is_number_dec(char *str);
Function: Check if a string is a decimal number.
boolean is_number_hex(char *str);
Function: Check if a string is a hexadecimal number.
Return Value: = is_digit_dec - TRUE if "ch" is a decimal digit
- FALSE if "ch" is not a decimal digit
= is_digit_hex - TRUE if "ch" is a hexadecimal digit
- FALSE if "ch" is not a hexadecimal digit
See Also: is_alpha
void mem_copy(void *destination, void *source, word bytes);
Function: Make a copy of a memory location.
Arguments: = copy "bytes" bytes from "source" into "destination"
See Also: str_copy
word scan_byte(char *start, char compare, word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for a one-byte value.
word scan_bytes(char *start, char compare[], word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for one of several one-byte values.
Arguments: = searches "count" bytes, starting at address
- if "count" = NULL, searches the length of string
= searches in direction "direction"
- FORWARD - forward direction
- BACKWARD - reverse direction
= scan_byte - searches for the one-byte value "compare",
starting at "start"
= scan_bytes - searches for any one of the one-byte values
"compare", starting at "start"
Notes: "scan_bytes": the array must be NULL-terminated. The return value is
an integer offset, not a pointer. Add (or subtract if "direction" =
BACKWARD) this offset to "start" to derive a pointer to one
past (or one before if "direction" = BACKWARD) the match (assuming a
match was found). It is set to one past because if it were set to the
correct offset, then if a match was found at "start", the
function would return 0, which means FALSE (no match).
Return Value: = offset + 1 of first byte value matching "compare"
= FALSE if no match found
See Also: scan_byte_not scan_str scan_word scan_word_not(Example Program)
Example Program:
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <!bestlib.h> /* include !BESTLIB.H in compilation */
void main(void)
word offset;
char *string = "Today is a bright day.";
bestlib_init(FALSE, FALSE); /* initialize THE BEST LIBRARY */
offset = scan_byte(string, 'd', NULL, FORWARD); /* "offset" = 3 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
word scan_byte_not(char *start, char compare, word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for any other one-byte value.
word scan_bytes_not(char *start, char compare[],
word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for any other one-byte value.
Arguments: = searches "count" bytes, starting at address
- if "count" = NULL, searches the length of string
= searches in direction "direction"
- FORWARD - forward direction
- BACKWARD - reverse direction
= scan_byte_not - searches for any one-byte value other than
"compare", starting at "start"
= scan_bytes_not - searches for any one-byte value other than those
in "compare", starting at "start"
Notes: "scan_bytes_not": the array must be NULL-terminated. The return value
is an integer offset, not a pointer. Add (or subtract if "direction" =
BACKWARD) this offset to "start" to derive a pointer to one
past (or one before if "direction" = BACKWARD) the match (assuming a
match was found). It is set to one past because if it were set to the
correct offset, then if a match was found at "start", the
function would return 0, which means FALSE (no match).
Return Value: = offset + 1 of first byte value not matching "compare"
= FALSE if only "compare" present
See Also: scan_byte scan_word_not(Example Program)
Example Program:
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <!bestlib.h> /* include !BESTLIB.H in compilation */
void main(void)
word offset;
char *string = " Today is a cloudy day.";
bestlib_init(FALSE, FALSE); /* initialize THE BEST LIBRARY */
offset = scan_byte_not(string, ' ', NULL, FORWARD); /* "offset" = 2 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
word scan_str(char *start, char *compare, word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for a string of characters.
word scan_strs(char *start, char *compare[], word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for any one of several strings of characters.
Arguments: = searches "count" bytes, starting at address
- if "count" = NULL, searches the length of string
= searches in direction "direction"
- FORWARD - forward direction
- BACKWARD - reverse direction
= scan_str - searches for the string "compare", starting at
= scan_strs - searches for any one of the strings "compare",
starting at "start"
Notes: "scan_strs": the array must be NULL-terminated. The return value is
an integer offset, not a pointer. Add (or subtract if "direction" =
BACKWARD) this offset to "start" to derive a pointer to one
past (or one before if "direction" = BACKWARD) the match (assuming a
match was found). It is set to one past because if it were set to the
correct offset, then if a match was found at "start", the
function would return 0, which means FALSE (no match).
Return Value: = offset + 1 of first string matching "compare"
= FALSE if no match found or
if either "compare" or "start" are not
See Also: scan_byte scan_word scan_word_not(Example Program), str_fill_byte
Example Program:
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <!bestlib.h> /* include !BESTLIB.H in compilation */
void main(void)
word offset;
char string[] = "Today is a HOT day.";
bestlib_init(FALSE, FALSE); /* initialize THE BEST LIBRARY */
offset = scan_str(start, "is", NULL, FORWARD); /* "offset" = 7 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
word scan_str_not(char *start, char *compare, word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for any other string of characters.
word scan_strs_not(char *start, char *compare[],
word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for any other string of characters.
Arguments: = searches "count" bytes, starting at address
- if "count" = NULL, searches the length of string
= searches in direction "direction"
- FORWARD - forward direction
- BACKWARD - reverse direction
= scan_str_not - searches for any string other than "compare",
starting at "start"
= scan_strs_not - searches for any string other than those in
"compare", starting at "start"
Notes: "scan_strs_not": the array must be NULL-terminated. The return value
is an integer offset, not a pointer. Add (or subtract if "direction" =
BACKWARD) this offset to "start" to derive a pointer to one
past (or one before if "direction" = BACKWARD) the match (assuming a
match was found). It is set to one past because if it were set to the
correct offset, then if a match was found at "start", the
function would return 0, which means FALSE (no match).
Return Value: = offset + 1 of first string matching "compare"
= FALSE if no match found or
if either "compare" or "start" are not
See Also: scan_byte scan_word scan_word_not(Example Program)
Example Program:
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <!bestlib.h> /* include !BESTLIB.H in compilation */
void main(void)
word offset;
char string[] = "Today is a HOT day.";
bestlib_init(FALSE, FALSE); /* initialize THE BEST LIBRARY */
offset = scan_str(string, "is", NULL, FORWARD); /* "offset" = 7 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
word scan_word(word *start, word compare, word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for a one-word (two-byte) value.
word scan_words(word *start, word compare[], word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for one of several one-word (two-byte) values.
Arguments: = searches "count" bytes, starting at address
= searches in direction "direction"
- FORWARD - forward direction
- BACKWARD - reverse direction
= scan_word - searches for the one-word value "compare"
= scan_words - searches for any one of the one-word values in
Notes: "scan_words": the array must be NULL-terminated. The search is
performed one word (two bytes) at a time. Therefore, "start"
should always point to integer-only arrays of data. The return value
is an integer offset, not a pointer. Add (or subtract if "direction" =
BACKWARD) this offset to "start" to derive a pointer to one
past (or one before if "direction" = BACKWARD) the match (assuming a
match was found). It is set to one past because if it were set to the
correct offset, then if a match was found at "start", the
function would return 0, which means FALSE (no match).
Return Value: = offset + 1 of first word-value matching "compare"
= FALSE if no match found or if "count" = 0
See Also: scan_byte scan_str scan_word_not(Example Program)
Example Program:
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <!bestlib.h> /* include !BESTLIB.H in compilation */
void main(void)
word offset, numbers[] = { 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024 };
bestlib_init(FALSE, FALSE); /* initialize THE BEST LIBRARY */
offset = scan_word(numbers, 16, 5, FORWARD); /* "offset" = 2 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
word scan_word_not(word *start, word compare, word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for any other one-word (two-byte) value.
word scan_words_not(word *start, word compare[],
word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for any other one-word (two-byte) value.
Arguments: = searches for any one-word value other than "compare" for
"count" bytes, starting at address "start"
= searches in direction "direction"
- FORWARD - forward direction
- BACKWARD - reverse direction
= scan_word_not - searches for any one-word value other than
= scan_words_not - searches for any one-word value other than
those in "compare"
Notes: "scan_words_not": the array must be NULL-terminated. The search is
performed one word (two bytes) at a time. Therefore, "start"
should always point to integer-only arrays of data. The return value
is an integer offset, not a pointer. Add (or subtract if "direction" =
BACKWARD) this offset to "start" to derive a pointer to one
past (or one before if "direction" = BACKWARD) the match (assuming a
match was found). It is set to one past because if it were set to the
correct offset, then if a match was found at "start", the
function would return 0, which means FALSE (no match).
Return Value: = offset + 1 of first word-value not matching "compare"
= FALSE if only "compare" present
See Also: scan_byte_not scan_word
Example Program:
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
#include <!bestlib.h> /* include !BESTLIB.H in compilation */
void main(void)
word offset, numbers[] = { 4, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2, 6, 1, 1 };
bestlib_init(FALSE, FALSE); /* initialize THE BEST LIBRARY */
offset = scan_word_not(numbers+1, 3, 9, FORWARD); /* "offset" = 3 */
/* NOTE "offset" is the RELATIVE offset from the beginning of the scan; a
non-3 number occurs at absolute position 4, but because we started
our scan from the second number, "offset" = 3 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
int sign(int number);
Function: Read the sign of a number.
Arguments: = the sign of the number "number" is returned
Return Value: = +1 if the sign of the number "number" is positive
= 0 if the number "number" is zero
= -1 if the sign of the number "number" is negative
void str_add(char *str);
Function: Add to a number stored as an ASCII string.
void str_dec(char *str);
Function: Decrement a number stored as an ASCII string.
void str_div(char *str);
Function: Divide a number stored as an ASCII string.
void str_inc(char *str);
Function: Increment a number stored as an ASCII string.
void str_mul(char *str);
Function: Multiply a number stored as an ASCII string.
void str_sub(char *str);
Function: Subtract from a number stored as an ASCII string.
Arguments: = ASCII number "str" is modified
Notes: If the number is its greatest possible, these functions will roll it back
to zero (ie. strinc("99") would result in "00"). These functions greatly
simplify the process of mathematically manipulating string numerals.
int str_case_down(char *str);
Function: Convert all characters in a string to lowercase.
int str_case_down_pr(printdata *prdata);
Function: Convert all characters in "prdata.string" to lowercase.
int str_case_flip(char *str);
Function: Convert all characters in a string to the opposite case.
int str_case_flip_pr(printdata *prdata);
Function: Convert all characters in "prdata.string" to the opposite case.
int str_case_up(char *str);
Function: Convert all characters in a string to uppercase.
int str_case_up_pr(printdata *prdata);
Function: Convert all characters in "prdata.string" to uppercase.
Arguments: = str_case_down - convert characters in string "str" to lowercase
= str_case_down_pr - convert characters in string "prdata.string"
to lowercase
= str_case_flip - convert characters in string "str" to the
opposite case
= str_case_flip_pr - convert characters in string "prdata.string"
to the opposite case
= str_case_up - convert characters in string "str" to
= str_case_up_pr - convert characters in string "prdata.string"
to lowercase
Notes: See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
Return Value: = length of string
int str_cmp(char *str1, char *str2);
Function: Compare two strings.
Arguments: = compares the string "str1" to the string "str2"
Return Value: = +1 if "str1" is alphabetically greater than "str2"
= 0 if "str1" and "str2" are the same
= -1 if "str1" is alphabetically less than "str2"
Example Program: This program prompts the user to enter a password. The
EXAMP005.EXE user's input is compared to the valid password using the
str_cmp function.
word str_copy(char *destination, char *source);
Function: Copies a string.
Arguments: = copies string "source" into string "destination"
Notes: The destination does not have to be of type "char":
int dest[16];
char *source = "This is a test";
str_copy((char *)dest, source);
Remember to use a type cast when "destination" is not of type "char".
Return Value: = length of "source"
See Also: mem_copy
void str_dec(char *str);
[see str_add]
void str_del_byte(char *start, char del, word count);
Function: Delete all occurrences of a byte from a string.
void str_del_str(char *start, char *del, word count);
Function: Delete all occurences of a string from a string.
void str_del_word(word *start, word del, word count);
Function: Delete all occurrences of a word from an array of word-values.
Arguments: = str_del_byte - every occurrence of byte-value "del" is searched
for, starting from "start", and deleted, scanning
through "count" bytes
- if "count" = NULL, searches to the end of string
str_del_str - every occurrence of string "del" is searched for,
starting from "start", and deleted, scanning
through "count" bytes
- if "count" = NULL, searches to the end of string
str_del_word - every occurrence of word-value "del" is searched
for, starting from "start", and deleted, scanning
through "count" words
Notes: These functions perform exactly like pressing the Del key in a word
processor on every occurrence of a value.
See Also: str_del_bytes str_rep_byte_byte
void str_del_bytes(char *start, word count);
Function: Delete bytes from a string.
void str_del_words(word *start, word count);
Function: Delete words from an array of word-values.
Arguments: = str_del_bytes - "count" byte-values (ie. characters), starting at
"start", are deleted
str_del_words - "count" word-values (ie. integers), beginning at
"start", are deleted
Notes: These functions perform exactly like pressing the Del key in a word
See Also: str_del_byte str_ins_byte
void str_div(char *str);
[see str_add]
void str_fill_byte(char *destination, char source, word count);
Function: Fill memory with a one-byte value.
void str_fill_str(char *destination, char *source, word count);
Function: Fill memory with a string of characters.
void str_fill_word(word *destination, word source, word count);
Function: Fill memory with a one-word (two-byte) value.
Arguments: = "count" sources "source" are written to memory location
Notes: No NULL-terminator is appended to "destination".
See Also: scan_byte
void str_inc(char *str);
[see str_add]
void str_ins_byte(char *start, char insert, word count);
Function: Insert a one-byte value into a string.
void str_ins_str(char *start, char *insert, word count);
Function: Insert a string into a string.
void str_ins_word(word *start, word insert, word count);
Function: Insert a one-word (two byte) value into an array of words.
Arguments: = str_ins_byte - "count" byte-values "insert" are inserted into
string "start"
str_ins_str - "count" strings of characters "insert" are
inserted into string "start"
str_ins_word - "count" word-values "insert" are inserted into
the array of word-values "start"
See Also: str_del_bytes
word str_len(char *str);
Function: Return the length of a string.
word str_len_pr(printdata *prdata);
Function: Return the length of "prdata.string".
Arguments: = str_len - the string "str" is counted
str_len_pr - the string "prdata.string" is counted
Notes: The length of the string returned is a count of the number of letters
of the entire string, NOT including the NULL terminating character.
A return value of 0 can mean the string is empty, or that it is not a
string (no NULL terminator found).
Return Value: = length of the string (number of characters)
void str_mul(char *str);
[see str_add]
char *str_next_str(char *str);
Function: Return the next string from a string.
char *str_next_word(char *str);
Function: Return the next word from a string.
Arguments: = "str" - string to read from
Notes: A string can consist of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, apostrophes, or
text surrounded in quotes, like "It is: 04/12/94" -- nothing else. A
word can consist of only alphabet letters.
Return Value: = pointer to string read in
= NULL if there was nothing to get (reached end of string)
void str_rep_byte_byte(char *start, char search,
char replace, word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for all occurrences of a byte and replace it with a different
void str_rep_byte_str(char *start, char search,
char *replace, word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for all occurrences of a byte and replace it with a string.
void str_rep_byte_word(char *start, char search,
word replace, word count, boolean direction);
Function: Search for all occurrences of a byte and replace it with a word.
Arguments: = searches in direction "direction"
- FORWARD - forward direction
- BACKWARD - reverse direction
= str_rep_byte_byte - every occurrence of byte "search" is searched
for, starting from "start", and replaced by
the byte "replace", scanning through "count"
"count" bytes
- if "count" = NULL, searches to the end of
string "start"
str_rep_byte_str - every occurrence of byte "search" is searched
for, starting from "start", and replaced by
the string "replace", scanning through
"count" bytes
- if "count" = NULL, searches to the end of
string "start"
str_rep_byte_word - every occurrence of byte "search" is searched
for, starting from "start", and replaced by
the word "replace", scanning through "count"
See Also: str_del_byte str_rep_str_byte str_rep_word_byte
void str_rep_str_byte(char *start,
char *search, char replace, boolean direction);
Function: Search for all occurrences of a string and replace it with a byte.
void str_rep_str_str(char *start,
char *search, char *replace, boolean direction);
Function: Search for all occurrences of a string and replace it with another
Arguments: = searches in direction "direction"
- FORWARD - forward direction
- BACKWARD - reverse direction
= if "count" = NULL, searches to the end of string "start"
= str_rep_str_byte - every occurrence of string "search" is
searched for, starting from "start", and
replaced by the byte-value "replace", scanning
through "count" bytes
str_rep_str_str - every occurrence of string "search" is
searched for, starting from "start", and
replaced by the string "replace", scanning
through "count" bytes
See Also: str_rep_byte_byte
void str_rep_word_byte(word *start,
word search, char replace, boolean direction);
Function: Search for all occurrences of a word and replace it with a byte.
void str_rep_word_word(word *start,
word search, word replace, boolean direction);
Function: Search for all occurrences of a word and replace it with another
Arguments: = searches in direction "direction"
- FORWARD - forward direction
- BACKWARD - reverse direction
= str_rep_word_byte - every occurrence of word "search" is searched
for, starting from "start", and replaced by
the byte "replace", scanning through "count"
str_rep_word_word - every occurrence of word "search" is searched
for, starting from "start", and replaced by
the word "replace", scanning through "count"
See Also: str_rep_byte_byte
char str_right(char *str, word number);
Function: Read one string character, counting from the right.
char str_right_pr(printdata *prdata, word number);
Function: Read one "prdata.string" character, counting from the right.
Arguments: = str_right - read character number "number" from string "str",
counting from the right
str_right_pr - read character number "number from string
"prdata.string", counting from the right
Notes: "from the right" means from the end of the string.
char *source = "This is a test";
ch = str_right(source, 3); /* ch = 'e' */
Return Value: = character "number" from the right of the string
void str_sub(char *str);
[see str_add]
--------------------------------- CHARACTER ----------------------------------
boolean is_alpha(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is an alphabet letter.
boolean is_alpha_down(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is a lowercase alphabet letter.
boolean is_alpha_up(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is an uppercase alphabet letter.
boolean is_alphanum(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is an alphanumeric character.
boolean is_ascii(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is a standard ASCII character.
boolean is_case_down(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is a lowercase letter.
boolean is_case_up(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is an uppercase letter.
boolean is_ctrlchar(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is a control character (0-31 or 127).
boolean is_digit_dec(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is a decimal digit.
boolean is_digit_hex(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is a hexadecimal digit.
boolean is_greek(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is a greek letter.
boolean is_letter(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is an alphabet letter, an apostrophe, or a
boolean is_letternum(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is an alphanumeric letter, an apostrophe, or a
boolean is_print(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is a printable character (has an ASCII symbol).
boolean is_punc(char ch);
Function: Check if a character is a punctuation character.
Arguments: = character "ch" is checked
Return Value: = is_alpha - TRUE if "ch" is an alphabet letter
- FALSE if "ch" is not an alphabet letter
= is_alpha_down - TRUE if "ch" is a lowercase alphabet letter
- FALSE if "ch" is not a lowercase alphabet letter
= is_alpha_up - TRUE if "ch" is an uppercase alphabet letter
- FALSE if "ch" isn't an uppercase alphabet letter
= is_alphanum - TRUE if "ch" is an alphanumeric character
- FALSE if "ch" is not an alphanumeric character
= is_ascii - TRUE if "ch" is a standard ASCII character
- FALSE if "ch" is not a standard ASCII character
= is_case_down - TRUE if "ch" is a lowercase letter
- FALSE if "ch" is not a lowercase letter
= is_case_up - TRUE if "ch" is an uppercase letter
- FALSE if "ch" is not an uppercase letter
= is_ctrlchar - TRUE if "ch" is a control character
- FALSE if "ch" is not a control character
= is_digit_dec - TRUE if "ch" is a decimal digit
- FALSE if "ch" is not a decimal digit
= is_digit_hex - TRUE if "ch" is a hexadecimal digit
- FALSE if "ch" is not a hexadecimal digit
= is_greek - TRUE if "ch" is a greek letter
- FALSE if "ch" is not a greek letter
= is_letter - TRUE if "ch" is an alphabet letter, ', or -
- FALSE if "ch" is not an alphabet letter, ', or -
= is_print - TRUE if "ch" is a printable character
- FALSE if "ch" is not a printable character
= is_punc - TRUE if "ch" is a punctuation character
- FALSE if "ch" is not a punctuation
Notes: "is_alphanum" and "is_letternum" do not distinguish between decimal and
hexadecimal number because the hexadecimal numbers are just decimal
number + alphabet letters
See Also: is_number_dec
-------------------------------- CONVERSION ----------------------------------
char *con_bool_to_str(boolean bool);
Function: Convert a numerical boolean value into its string equivalent.
Arguments: = boolean value "bool" is converted
Return Value: = "TRUE" if "bool" = TRUE
= "FALSE" if "bool" = FALSE
See Also: con_color_to_str con_str_to_bool
char *con_color_to_str(byte color);
Function: Convert a numerical color value into its string equivalent.
Arguments: = color value "color" is converted
Return Value: = string representation of color
= NULL if "color" is not a valid color
See Also: con_bool_to_str con_str_to_color
shortint con_str_to_bool(char *str);
Function: Convert a boolean word into its numerical equivalent.
Arguments: = "str" - boolean word to convert
Return Value: = TRUE if "str" = "TRUE"
FALSE if "str" = "FALSE"
-1 if "str" is not a valid boolean word
See Also: con_bool_to_str con_str_to_color
shortint con_str_to_color(char *str);
Function: Convert a color name into its numerical equivalent.
Arguments: = "str" - color name to convert
Return Value: = color value
= -1 if "str" is not a valid color
See Also: con_color_to_str con_str_to_bool
----------------------------------- TEXT -------------------------------------
void txt_ascii_get(word number, byte codes[]);
Function: Read in ASCII character patterns.
Arguments: = reads "number" character patterns into "codes"
Notes: See ASCII GRAPHIC DEFINITIONS for details on the internal structure of
See Also: txt_asc_set
void txt_ascii_set(word number, byte codes[]);
Function: Redefine ASCII character patterns to allow for new characters.
Arguments: = sets "number" character patterns using data from "codes"
Notes: See ASCII GRAPHIC DEFINITIONS for details on the internal structure of
See Also: txt_asc_get
void txt_blink(int what);
Function: Set 16 background colors or blinking characters.
Arguments: = if "what" = TRUE, blinking characters are set
= FALSE, 16 background colors are set
byte txt_char_height(void);
Function: Return the height of text mode characters (in pixels/scan lines).
byte txt_char_length(void);
Function: Return the length of text mode characters (in pixels).
Notes: Scan lines are synonymous with pixels counted vertically.
Return Value: = txt_char_height - height of text mode characters (in pixels)
= txt_char_length - length of text mode characters (in pixels)
void txt_cls(void);
Function: Clear the screen.
See Also: txt_flood
byte txt_erase(byte x, byte y, byte length, byte height);
Function: Overwrite a region with spaces.
Arguments: = the region with a corner at "x","y", an x-length "length", and a
y-height "height" is overwritten with spaces (ASCII 32)
Return Value: = ASCII value of first character overwritten
See Also: txt_chr_erase txt_chrs_erase txt_erase_col txt_str_erase
void txt_erase_col(byte col);
Function: Overwrite one column of characters with spaces.
void txt_erase_row(byte col);
Function: Overwrite one row of characters with spaces.
Arguments: = txt_erase_col - column "col" is overwritten with spaces
= txt_erase_row - column "row" is overwritten with spaces
See Also: txt_erase
void txt_fill_area(byte x, byte y, filldata *fidata);
Function: Fill a screen region according to the structure "fidata".
Arguments: = the information in the "filldata" structure "fidata" is used
= the filling begins at the corner "x","y"
- if "x" = MEM, "fidata.x" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "fidata.y" is used
Notes: See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
See Also: txt_attrs_fill txt_chrattrs_fill txt_chrs_fill txt_fill_col
txt_fill_row txt_flood txt_print
char txt_fill_col(byte col, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *str);
Function: Fill a column with a string in a defined color.
Arguments: = string "str" is printed in foreground color "fgclr" and
background color "bgclr" at "col",0 down the screen
- if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
- if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
- if "str" = NULL, no string is printed
Return Value: = ASCII value of first character overwritten
See Also: txt_chr_attr_show txt_fill_area txt_fill_row
char txt_fill_row(byte row, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *str);
Function: Fill a row with a string in a defined color.
Arguments: = string "str" is printed in foreground color "fgclr" and
background color "bgclr" at 0,"row" across the screen
- if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
- if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
- if "str" = NULL, no string is printed
Return Value: = ASCII value of first character overwritten
See Also: txt_chr_attr_show txt_fill_area txt_fill_col
word txt_flood(byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *str);
Function: Flood the screen with a character in a foreground/background color.
Arguments: = screen is flooded with string "str" -- if "str" = NULL, no string
is used to fill the screen
= the foreground color is set to "fgclr" -- if "fgclr" = NO, the
foreground color is not modified
= the background color is set to "bgclr" -- if "bgclr" = NO, the
background color is not modified
Notes: To clear the screen, use the string " " (with a space), ASCII code 32.
Return Value: = length of "str"
See Also: txt_cls txt_fill_area
word txt_get_abs(void);
Function: Return the offset of the text page.
Notes: When strictly dealing with whole text pages, use "txt_get_act" and
Return Value: = offset of text page
See Also: txt_get_act txt_set_abs
byte txt_get_act(void);
Function: Return the current active text video page.
byte txt_get_vis(void);
Function: Return the current visual text video page.
Notes: The pages are number from TEXTPAGE1 to TEXTPAGE8 for 25 line text modes
and from TEXTPAGE1 to TEXTPAGE4 for 50 line text modes.
Return Value: = txt_get_act - current active text page
= txt_get_vis - current visual text page
See Also: txt_get_abs txt_set_act
byte txt_last(void);
Function: Return last text page.
Return Value: = last text video page number (starting from 0)
See Also: txt_rows
void txt_mem(byte what, textimagedata *timage);
Function: Store or restore the text video memory.
Arguments: = "what"
- TEXTSHOW restores the text video memory into "timage"
- TEXTSAVE stores the text video memory into "timage"
= the storage area "timage" is used
- if "timage" = NULL, the one built-in storage area is used
Notes: The built-in storage area will hold the contents of an entire 80x50
screen. The memory requirements of "timage" are returned by the function
"txt_chrattrs_need(80, height)", using the desired screen "height". This
function is useful for restoring the screen contents after exitting a
program to give the user the feel he never left DOS. See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "textimagedata".
See Also: _video_set
word txt_print(byte x, byte y, printdata *prdata);
Function: Print the string "prdata.string" to the text screen.
Arguments: = the information in the "printdata" structure "prdata" is used
= the printing begins at the corner "x","y"
- if "x" = MEM, "prdata.x" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "prdata.y" is used
Notes: If "prdata.x" and "prdata.y" (or "x" and "y") both equal TCUR,
"txt_print" advances the text cursor position to one past the last
character printed.
Return Value: = length of "prdata.string"
See Also: txt_fill_area txt_attr_show txt_attrs_show txt_chr_show
txt_str_show txt_strattr_show txt_str_erase_pr
byte txt_rows(void);
Function: Return the [number of rows per page]-1.
Notes: To set the number of rows per page, use "video_set".
Return Value: = [number of rows per page]-1
See Also: txt_last video_set
void txt_scroll(int columns, int rows);
Function: Smoothly scroll, in any direction, the entire screen.
void txt_scroll_fast(shortint columns, shortint rows);
Function: Quickly smoothly scroll, in any direction, the entire screen.
Arguments: = smoothly scrolls the entire screen "columns" columns and "rows"
Notes: The reason "txt_scroll" is faster is because it does not properly
align itself with the monitor's vertical retrace periods -- this
translates to possible flicker. Positive "columns" scrolls right whereas
negative scrolls left. Positive "rows" scrolls down whereas negative
scrolls up.
See Also: txt_scroll_off txt_scroll_over txt_scroll_rows txt_scroll_window
void txt_scroll_off(shortint direction);
Function: Smoothly scroll the screen off in a direction.
void txt_scroll_on(shortint direction);
Function: Smoothly scroll a screen on in a direction.
Arguments: = scrolls the screen in direction "direction"
- UP - scrolls screen up
- LEFT - scrolls screen left
- RIGHT - scrolls screen right
- DOWN - scrolls screen down
Notes: This is a nice effect for entering and exiting programs.
See Also: txt_scroll
Example Program: None.
void txt_scroll_over(int scanlines);
Function: Smoothly scroll a screen overtop another screen.
Arguments: = if "scanlines" is negative, scrolls screen down
- use negative values to scroll a screen off that was scrolled on
Notes: This is a nice effect for, perhaps, pulling up a help screen.
See Also: txt_scroll
Example Program: None.
void txt_scroll_rows(byte row, byte height, shortint horz_scroll);
Function: Smoothly scroll certain rows.
Arguments: = scrolls the screen region beginning at row "row" with height
"height" "horz_scroll" columns
Notes: This differs from "txt_scroll" in that only a portion of the screen is
scrolled, not the entire screen.
See Also: txt_scroll
Example Program: None.
void txt_scroll_window(byte x, byte y, byte length, byte height,
shortint horz_scroll, shortint vert_scroll);
Function: Smoothly scroll, in any direction, a window of the screen.
Arguments: = scrolls the screen region with a corner at "x","y", an x-length
"length", and a y-height "height" "horz_scroll" characters and
"vert_scroll" rows
Notes: Positive "horz_scroll" scrolls right whereas negative scrolls left.
Positive "vert_scroll" scrolls down whereas negative scrolls up.
See Also: txt_scroll txt_split
void txt_set_abs(word offset);
Function: Set the absolute offset of the text page.
void txt_set_rel(int columns, int rows);
Function: Set the absolute offset of the text page.
Arguments: = txt_set_abs - sets offset of text page to "offset"
= txt_set_rel - sets horizontal offset "columns" and vertical offset
"rows" from original offset
Notes: The mouse cursor and text cursor position and shape are not preserved as
they are by "txt_set_act" and "txt_set_vis" -- when strictly dealing with
whole text pages, use "txt_set_act" and "txt_set_vis".
See Also: txt_get_abs txt_set_act
void txt_set_act(byte page);
Function: Set a text video page as active.
void txt_set_vis(byte page);
Function: Set a text video page as visual, or seen.
Arguments: = txt_set_act - the active text page "page" is set
- if "page" = TEXTPAGEVISUAL, the active text page
becomes the current visual text page
- if "page" = TEXTPAGELAST, the last page becomes the
active text page
= txt_set_vis - the visual text page "page" is set
- if "page" = TEXTPAGEACTIVE, the visual text page
becomes the current active text page
- if "page" = TEXTPAGELAST, the last page becomes the
visual text page
Notes: The pages are number from TEXTPAGE1 to TEXTPAGE8 for 25 line text modes
and from TEXTPAGE1 to TEXTPAGE4 for 50 line text modes.
See Also: txt_get_act txt_set_abs
void txt_split(word line);
Function: Split the visual screen into two.
Arguments: = the visual page is split at line "line"
Notes: In VGA, the lines range from 0-400 and each character is 16 lines high.
To break off at an even number of rows, use this formula: (row*16) - 1
(ie. to split the screen at row 3, use the value 47 for "line"). It is
possible to display TWO blinking cursors this way.
See Also: txt_scroll txt_scroll_window
--------------------------------- ANIMATION ----------------------------------
--------------------------------- ATTRIBUTE ----------------------------------
char txt_attr_save(byte x, byte y, byte *fgclr, byte *bgclr);
Function: Read one attribute.
Arguments: = stores the foreground color at "x","y" into "fgclr" and the
background color into "bgclr"
- if "fgclr" = NULL, the foreground color is not stored
- if "bgclr" = NULL, the background color is not stored
Return Value: = ASCII value of the character at "x","y"
See Also: txt_attr_show txt_attrs_save txt_chr_attr_save txt_chrattr_save
char txt_attr_show(byte x, byte y, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, int count);
Function: Print a specific number of one attribute.
Arguments: = prints the foreground color "fgclr" and the background color
"bgclr" at "x","y"
- if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
- if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
Notes: If "x" and "y" both equal TCUR, "txt_attr_show" advances the text
cursor position to one past the last attribute printed.
Return Value: = ASCII value of the character at "x","y"
See Also: txt_attr_save txt_attrs_show txt_bg_get txt_chr_show txt_fg_get
void txt_attrs_fill(byte x, byte y,
byte length, byte height, byte fgclr, byte bgclr);
Function: Fill a screen region with a foreground and/or background color.
Arguments: = the region with a corner at "x","y", an x-length "length", and a
y-height "height" is filled in foreground "fgclr" and background
- if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
- if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
See Also: txt_fill_area
word txt_attrs_need(byte length, byte height);
Function: Return the memory requirement for a "txt_attrs_save"ed image.
word txt_chrattrs_need(byte length, byte height);
Function: Return the memory requirement for a "txt_chrattrs_save"ed image.
word txt_chrs_need(byte length, byte height);
Function: Return the memory requirement for a "txt_chrs_save"ed image.
word txt_strattr_need(byte length, byte height);
Function: Return the memory requirement for a "txt_strattr_save"ed image.
Arguments: = the memory requirement for a region of x-length "length" and
y-height "height" is calculated
Return Value: = memory requirement in bytes
See Also: txt_attrs_save txt_chrattrs_save txt_chrs_save txt_strattr_save
void txt_attrs_save(byte x, y,
byte length, byte height, textimagedata *attrs);
Function: Read a region of attributes.
Arguments: = stores the region of attributes from the corner "x","y" with
x-length "length" and y-height "height" into "attrs"
- if "x" = MEM, "attrs.x" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "attrs.y" is used
- if "length" = MEM, "attrs.length" is used
- if "height" = MEM, "attrs.height" is used
Notes: Make sure enough memory has been allocated to "attrs" by a call to
"txt_attrs_need". If a "length" and/or "height" is given, it is
stored in "attrs.length" and/or "attrs.height", respectively. See
Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
See Also: txt_attrs_need txt_attr_save txt_attrs_show txt_str_save
void txt_attrs_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *attrs);
Function: Print a region of attributes.
Arguments: = prints the region of attributes, stored in "attrs", with top-left
corner "x","y"
- if "x" = MEM, "attrs.x" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "attrs.y" is used
= if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
= YES, modifies the foreground with the stored colors
= MEM, "attrs.fgclr" is used
= if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
= YES, modifies the background with the stored colors
= MEM, "attrs.bgclr" is used
Notes: See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
See Also: txt_print txt_attr_show txt_str_show txt_attrs_save
byte txt_bg_get(byte x, byte y);
Function: Return the background color at specified coordinates.
Arguments: = background color is read from "x","y"
Return Value: = background color at "x","y"
See Also: txt_attr_save txt_fg_get
byte txt_fg_get(byte x, byte y);
Function: Return the foreground color at specified coordinates.
Arguments: = foreground color is read from "x","y"
Return Value: = foreground color at "x","y"
See Also: txt_attr_save txt_bg_get
--------------------------------- CHARACTER ----------------------------------
void txt_chr_attr_save(byte x, byte y, byte *fgclr, byte *bgclr, char *ch);
Function: Save one character and its attribute.
Arguments: = character "ch" at "x","y", with its background color "bgclr" and
foreground color "fgclr", are saved
- if "fgclr" = NULL, the foreground color is not stored
- if "bgclr" = NULL, the background color is not stored
- if "ch" = NULL, the character is not stored
Notes: If "x" and "y" both equal TCUR, "txt_chr_attr_show" advances the text
cursor position to one past the last character printed.
See Also: txt_attr_save txt_chr_attr_show txt_chrattr_save
char txt_chr_attr_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char ch, int count);
Function: Print a specific number of one character in a defined color.
Arguments: = "count" characters "ch" are printed in foreground color "fgclr"
and background color "bgclr" at "x","y"
- if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
- if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
Notes: If "x" and "y" both equal TCUR, "txt_chr_attr_show" advances the text
cursor position to one past the last character printed.
Return Value: = ASCII value of first character overwritten
See Also: txt_chr_attr_save txt_chrattr_show txt_fillcol _txt_fillrow
char txt_chr_erase(byte x, byte y, int count);
Function: Overwrite a specific number of characters with spaces.
Arguments: = overwrites "count" characters at "x","y" with spaces (ASCII 32)
Return Value: = ASCII value of first character overwritten
See Also: txt_chr_show txt_chrattr_show txt_chrattrs_show txt_chrs_erase
char txt_chr_get(byte x, byte y);
Function: Read one character.
Arguments: = returns the character at "x","y"
Return Value: = ASCII value of character
See Also: txt_chr_show txt_chrattr_save txt_chrs_save
char txt_chr_show(byte x, byte y, char ch, int count);
Function: Print a specific number of one character.
Arguments: = prints "count" characters "ch" at "x","y"
Notes: If "x" and "y" both equal TCUR, "txt_chr_show" advances the text
cursor position to one past the last character printed.
Return Value: = ASCII value of first character overwritten
See Also: txt_attr_show txt_chr_erase txt_chr_get txt_chrattr_show
txt_chrs_show txt_str_show
char txt_chrattr_save(byte x, byte y, word *chrattr);
Function: Store a character with its attribute.
Arguments: = the character and its attribute are read from "x","y" and are
stored in "chrattr"
Return Value: = ASCII value of character that was saved
See Also: txt_attr_save txt_chr_attr_save txt_chr_get txt_chrattr_show
char txt_chrattr_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, word chrattr, int count);
Function: Print a specific number of one character with its attribute.
Arguments: = "count" characters and attributes, stored in "chrattr", are
printed at "x","y"
= if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
= if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
Notes: If "x" and "y" both equal TCUR, "txt_chr_show" advances the text
cursor position to one past the last character printed. Use
"txt_chr_erase" to erase "txt_chrattr_show"ed characters.
Return Value: = ASCII value of first character overwritten
See Also: txt_chr_attr_show txt_chr_erase txt_chrattr_save
char txt_chrattrs_fill(byte x, byte y, byte length, byte height,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char ch);
Function: Fill a screen region with a foreground and/or background color and a
Arguments: = the region with a corner at "x","y", an x-length "length", and a
y-height "height" is filled in foreground "fgclr", background
"bgclr", and character "ch"
- if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
- if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
- if "ch" = NO, no character is written
Return Value: = ASCII value of first character overwritten
See Also: txt_fill_area
word txt_chrattrs_need(byte length, byte height);
[see txt_attrs_need]
void txt_chrattrs_save(byte x, byte y,
byte length, byte height, textimagedata *chrattrs);
Function: Read a region with its attributes from the text screen.
Arguments: = stores the region of characters and their attributes from the
corner "x","y" with x-length "length" and y-height "height" into
- if "x" = MEM, "chrattrs.y" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "chrattrs.x" is used
- if "length" = MEM, "chrattrs.length" is used
- if "height" = MEM, "chrattrs.height" is used
Notes: Make sure enough memory has been allocated to "chrattrs" by a call to
"txt_chrattrs_need". If a "length" and/or "height" is given, it is
stored in "chrattrs.length" and/or "chrattrs.height", respectively.
See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
See Also: txt_chrattrs_need txt_chrattrs_show
void txt_chrattrs_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *chrattrs);
Function: Print a region with its attributes to the text screen.
void txt_chrattrs_show_char(byte x, byte y, byte x_timage, byte y_timage,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *chrattrs);
Function: Print only one character from a region with its attributes to the text
void txt_chrattrs_show_str(byte x, byte y, byte x_timage, byte y_timage,
byte length, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *chrattrs);
Function: Print only a string of character from a region with its attributes to
the text screen.
void txt_chrattrs_show_region(byte x, byte y, byte x_timage, byte y_timage,
byte length, byte height, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, textimagedata *chrattrs);
Function: Print only a region from a region with its attributes to the text
Arguments: = prints from a region of characters and their attributes, stored in
"chrattrs", with top-left corner at "x","y"
- if "x" = MEM, "chrattrs.y" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "chrattrs.x" is used
= if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
= YES, modifies the foreground with the stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.fgclr" is used
= if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
= YES, modifies the background with the stored colors
= MEM, "chrattrs.bgclr" is used
= txt_chrattrs_show_char - start from "x_timage","y_timage", inside
the saved region
= txt_chrattrs_show_str - start from "x_timage","y_timage", inside
the saved region
- go for length "length"
= txt_chrattrs_show_region - start from "x_timage","y_timage", inside
the saved region
- go for length "length" and height
Notes: Use "txt_chrs_erase" to erase a "txt_chrattrs_show"ed region. See
Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
Return Value: Use "txt_chrs_erase" to erase a "txt_chrs_show"ed character.
See Also: txt_chr_show txt_chrs_erase txt_chrattrs_save
void txt_chrs_erase(byte x, byte y, textimagedata *chrs);
Function: Overwrite a "textimagedata"ed image with spaces.
Arguments: = overwrites "chrs" with corner at "x","y" with spaces (ASCII 32)
- if "x" = MEM, "chrs.y" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "chrs.x" is used
Notes: See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
See Also: txt_chr_erase txt_chrattrs_show txt_chrs_show txt_erase
txt_str_erase txt_strattr_show
void txt_chrs_fill(byte x, byte y, byte length, byte height, char ch);
Function: Fill a screen region with a character.
Arguments: = the region with a corner at "x","y", an x-length "length", and a
y-height "height" is filled in with character "ch"
See Also: txt_fill_area
word txt_chrs_need(byte length, byte height);
[see txt_attrs_need]
void txt_chrs_save(byte x, byte y,
byte length, byte height, textimagedata *chrs);
Function: Read a region of characters from the text screen.
Arguments: = stores the region of characters from the corner "x","y" with
x-length "length" and y-height "height" into "chrs"
- if "x" = MEM, "chrs.y" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "chrs.x" is used
- if "length" = MEM, "chrs.length" is used
- if "height" = MEM, "chrs.height" is used
Notes: Make sure enough memory has been allocated to "chrs" by a call to
"txt_chrs_need". See Global Type Definitions for a description of the
structure "textimagedata".
See Also: txt_chr_get txt_chrs_need txt_chrs_show
void txt_chrs_show(byte x, byte y, textimagedata *chrs);
Function: Print a region of characters to the text screen.
Arguments: = shows the region of characters, stored in "chrs", with top-left
corner at "x","y"
- if "x" = MEM, "chrs.y" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "chrs.x" is used
Notes: See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
See Also: txt_chr_show txt_chrs_erase txt_chrs_save
---------------------------------- CURSOR ------------------------------------
void cur_get(cursordata *curdata);
Function: Store all cursor information on the active page.
void cur_get_abs(cursordata *curdata);
Function: Store all cursor information on the active page as reported by the
VGA card.
Arguments: = cur_get - stores cursor information into "curdata"
Notes: "cur_get_abs" can be used before the call to "bestlib_init" because it
does not rely on the internal variables set by "bestlib_init" (it reads
the VGA registers directly).
See Also: cur_get_coord cur_get_shape cur_set ms_get
void cur_get_coord(byte *x, byte *y);
Function: Store the cursor location on the active page.
void cur_get_coord_abs(byte *x, byte *y);
Function: Store the cursor location on the active page as reported by the VGA
byte cur_get_x(void);
Function: Return the cursor abscissa on the active page.
byte cur_get_x_abs(void);
Function: Return the cursor abscissa on the active page as reported by the VGA
byte cur_get_y(void);
Function: Return the cursor ordinate on the active page.
byte cur_get_y_abs(void);
Function: Return the cursor ordinate on the active page as reported by the VGA
Arguments: = cur_get_coord - stores cursor abscissa into "x" and ordinate
cur_get_coord_abs into "y"
- if "y" is NULL, "x" is assumed to be
"byte *xy", a data structure that has "x" and
"y" as consecutive bytes
Notes: The "_abs" forms of the get cursor functions can be used before the
call to "bestlib_init" because they do not rely on the internal
variables set by "bestlib_init" (they read the VGA registers directly).
Return Value: = cur_get_x - abscissa of cursor on active page
= cur_get_x_abs - abscissa of cursor as reported by VGA card
= cur_get_y - ordinate of cursor on active page
= cur_get_y_abs - ordinate of cursor as reported by VGA card
See Also: cur_get cur_get_shape ms_get
void cur_get_shape(byte *start, byte *end);
Function: Store the text cursor's shape on the active page.
void cur_get_shape_abs(byte *start, byte *end);
Function: Store the text cursor's shape as reported by the VGA card.
Arguments: = cur_get_shape - the starting scan line of the cursor is
cur_get_shape_abs stored in "start" and the ending scan line
is stored in "end"
- if "end" = NULL, "start" is assumed to be
"byte *start_end", a data structure that has
"start" and "end" as consecutive bytes
See Also: cur_get cur_set_shape
boolean cur_is_on(void);
Function: Check if the cursor is on.
Return Value: = TRUE if cursor is on
= FALSE if it is not
See Also: cur_off
void cur_off(void);
Function: Turn the cursor off.
void cur_on(void);
Function: Turn the cursor on.
See Also: cur_is_on
void cur_set(cursordata *curdata);
Function: Set all the cursor's statistics on the active text page.
void cur_set_bios(cursordata *curdata);
Function: Set all the cursor's statistics via the BIOS on the active text page.
Arguments: = cur_set - the cursor's statistics are read from the
cur_set_bios structure "curdata"
See Also: cur_set_coord cur_set_shape cur_get ms_set
byte cur_set_coord(byte x, byte y);
Function: Set the cursor abscissa and ordinate on the active text page.
void cur_set_coord_bios(byte x, byte y);
Function: Set the cursor abscissa and ordinate via the BIOS on the active text
byte cur_set_x(byte x);
Function: Set the cursor abscissa on the active text page.
byte cur_set_x_bios(byte x);
Function: Set the cursor abscissa on the active text page via BIOS.
byte cur_set_y(byte y);
Function: Set the cursor ordinate on the active text page.
byte cur_set_y_bios(byte y);
Function: Set the cursor ordinate on the active text page via BIOS.
Arguments: = cur_set_coord - the cursor's new position is at "x","y"
= cur_set_x - the cursor's new abscissa is at "x"
= cur_set_y - the cursor's new ordinate is at "y"
Return Value: = cur_set_x - the cursor ordinate
= cur_set_coord - the cursor abscissa
See Also: cur_get cur_set ms_set
void cur_set_shape(byte start, byte end);
Function: Define a new cursor shape
void cur_set_shape_bios(byte start, byte end);
Function: Define a new cursor shape on the active text page via the BIOS.
Arguments: = cur_set_shape - the starting scan line of the cursor is set
cur_set_shape_bios to "start" and the ending scan line is set
to "end"
- if "start" = NO, the starting scan line of
the cursor is not modified
- if "end" = NO, the ending scan line of the
cursor is not modified
Notes: "start" and "end" must be between 0 - 31.
See Also: cur_get_shape cur_set
------------------------------------ GET -------------------------------------
int txt_get_let(byte x, byte y, char *str, byte max, byte fillchar,
char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
Function: Get alphabet input from the keyboard.
int txt_get_num(byte x, byte y, int *input, byte max, byte fillchar,
char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
Function: Get numeric input from the keyboard.
int txt_get_numu(byte x, byte y, word *input, byte max, byte fillchar,
char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
Function: Get unsigned numeric input from the keyboard.
int txt_get_numl(byte x, byte y, long int *input, byte max, byte fillchar,
char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
Function: Get long numeric input from the keyboard.
int txt_get_numlu(byte x, byte y, unsigned long int *input, byte max,
byte fillchar, char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
Function: Get unsigned long numeric input from the keyboard.
int txt_get_str(byte x, byte y, char *str, byte max, byte fillchar,
char *msg, byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *def);
Function: Get string input from the keyboard.
Arguments: = prints the message "msg" at "x","y" followed by the default
response "def" and waits for user input
= fills the empty response space with character "fillchar"
- if "fillchar" = NO, the response space is not filled with a
= colors the response space with foreground "fgclr" and background
- if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground color is not modified
- if "bgclr" = NO, the background color is not modified
= txt_get_let - stores user input in "str"
- allows only alphabet letters to be inputed
- accepts a maximum of "max" characters
- if "max" = MAX, accepts a maximum of
"str_len(str)" characters
= txt_get_str - stores user input in "str"
- allows all ASCII characters to be inputed
- accepts a maximum of "max" characters
- if "max" = MAX, accepts a maximum of
"str_len(str)" characters
= txt_get_num - stores the numerical value of user input in
- accepts a maximum number of "max" digits
- input is allowed between -32768..32767
- allows a maximum of 6 characters or the number of
digits "max"
= txt_get_numu - stores the numerical value of user input in
- accepts a maximum number of "max" digits
- input is allowed between 0..65535
- allows a maximum of 5 characters or the number of
digits "max"
= txt_get_numl - stores the numerical value of user input in
- accepts a maximum number of "max" digits
- input is between -2 147 483 648..2 147 483 647
- allows a maximum of 11 characters or the number of
digits "max"
= txt_get_numlu - stores the numerical value of user input in
- accepts a maximum number of "max" digits
- input is allowed between 0..4 294 967 295
- allows a maximum of 10 characters or the number of
digits max"
Notes: These functions will not wrap around the screen; the cursor will not go
beyond the right screen boundary. They return upon the user pressing
<ENTER> or <ESC>. Both "txt_get_let" and "txt_get_str" append the NULL
character to "str" as the final character if <ENTER> is pressed -- it
is placed as the first characters if <ESC> is pressed or if <ENTER> is
pressed with no input. The cursor is shown during input and is hidden
upon return (the cursor position is also restored upon return).
"txt_get_num" accepts only numbers and the '+' and '-' and allows a
maximum of six characters (five digits plus one sign) or a maximum of
the number of digits "max"; if no sign prefixes the number, it is assumed
to be positive. This function stores a zero in "input" if <ESC> is
pressed or if <ENTER> is pressed with no input. "txt_getnum" will beep
and prompt for a new entry if the user inputs a number less than -32768
or greater than 32767.
"txt_get_numu" accepts only numbers allows a maximum of five characters
or a maximum of the number of digits "max". This function stores a zero
in "input" if <ESC> is pressed or if <ENTER> is pressed with no input.
"txt_getnumu" will beep and prompt for a new entry if the user inputs a
number greater than 65535.
"txt_get_numl" accepts only numbers and the '+' and '-' and allows a
maximum of eleven characters (ten digits plus one sign) or a maximum of
the number of digits "max"; if no sign prefixes the number, it is assumed
to be positive. This function stores a zero in "input" if <ESC> is
pressed or if <ENTER> is pressed with no input. "txt_getnuml" will beep
and prompt for a new entry if the user inputs a number less than
-2 147 483 648 or greater than 2 147 483 647.
"txt_get_numlu" accepts only numbers allows a maximum of eleven
characters or a maximum of the number of digits "max". This function
stores a zero in "input" if <ESC> is pressed or if <ENTER> is pressed
with no input. "txt_getnumlu" will beep and prompt for a new entry if
the user inputs a number greater than 4 294 967 295.
Return Value: = txt_get_let - number of characters typed
txt_get_str - -1 if <ESC> is pressed
= txt_get_num
txt_get_numlu - number of digits typed
txt_get_numu - -1 if <ESC> is pressed
---------------------------------- STRING ------------------------------------
void txt_str_attr_show(byte x, byte y,
byte fgclr, byte bgclr, char *str, byte command);
Function: Print a string with attributes.
Arguments: = prints the string "str" in foreground color "fgclr" and
background color "bgclr" at "x","y"
- "command" determines how the string is printed
- ALIGN_NONE no command
- ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
- ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
- ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
- ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to the right margin
= if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
= if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
Notes: The command "command" will revert to ALIGN_NONE if the length of string
"str" is greater than 80 (the width of the text screen). Only if "x"
and "y" both equal TCUR, "txt_str_attr_show" advances the text cursor
position to one past the last character printed.
See Also: txt_chr_attr_show txt_str_show txt_strattr_show
word txt_str_erase(byte x, byte y, char *str, byte command);
Function: Overwrite a string with spaces.
Arguments: = the string "str" at "x","y" is overwritten with spaces (ASCII 32)
= "command" determines how the string is erased
- ALIGN_NONE no command
- ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
- ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
- ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
- ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to the right margin
Notes: The command "command" will revert to ALIGN_NONE if the length of the
string "str" is greater than 80 (the width of the text screen).
Return Value: = length of "str"
See Also: txt_chrs_erase txt_erase txt_str_erase_pr txt_str_show
word txt_str_erase_pr(byte x, byte y, printdata *prdata);
Function: Overwrite "prdata.string" with spaces.
Arguments: = the string "prdata.string" at "x","y" is overwritten with spaces
(ASCII 32)
- if "x" = MEM, "prdata.x" is used
- if "y" = MEM, "prdata.y" is used
Return Value: = length of "prdata.string"
See Also: txt_erase txt_print txt_str_erase
word txt_str_save(byte x, byte y, byte length, char *str, byte command);
Function: Read a string from the text screen.
Arguments: = reads "length" characters from "x","y" into "str"
- if "length" = NULL, the length of "str" is used for the number of
character to read
- "command" determines how the string is read
- ALIGN_NONE no command
- ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
- ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
- ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
- ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to the right margin
Notes: The NULL character is appended as the last character to "str".
Return Value: = length of "str"
See Also: txt_str_show txt_attrs_save txt_chr_get txt_strattr_save
word txt_str_show(byte x, byte y, char *str, byte command);
Function: Print a string.
Arguments: = prints the string "str" at "x","y"
- "command" determines how the string is printed
- ALIGN_NONE no command
- ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
- ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
- ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
- ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to the right margin
Notes: The command "command" will revert to ALIGN_NONE if the length of string
"str" is greater than 80 (the width of the text screen). Only if "x"
and "y" both equal TCUR, "txt_str_show" advances the text cursor
position to one past the last character printed.
Return Value: = length of "str"
See Also: txt_print txt_attrs_show txt_chr_show txt_str_attr_show
txt_strattr_show txt_str_save txt_str_erase
word txt_strattr_need(byte length, byte height);
[see txt_attrs_need]
word txt_strattr_save(byte x, byte y, shortint length, textimagedata *strattr);
Function: Read a string with its attributes from the text screen.
Arguments: = reads length "length" characters and their attributes from
"x","y" into "strattr"
- if "length" = MEM, "strattr.length" is used
Notes: Make sure you have allocated enough memory to "strattr" by a call to
"txt_strattr_need"; remember that each character requires TWO bytes
(one for the character and one for its attribute). The NULL character
is appended as the last character to "strattr". See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "textimagedata".
Return Value: = character count of "strattr" (which is length / 2)
See Also: txt_attrs_save txt_str_save txt_strattr_need txt_strattr_show
word txt_strattr_show(byte x, byte y, byte fgclr, byte bgclr,
textimagedata *strattr, byte command);
Function: Print a "txt_strattr_save"ed string with its attributes.
Arguments: = prints the string with attributes "strattr" at "x","y"
- "command" determines how the string is printed
- ALIGN_NONE no command
- ALIGN_HORZ horizontal center; shifts odd lengths left
- ALIGN_VERT vertical center; shifts odd lengths up
- ALIGN_CENTER horizontal and vertical center
- ALIGN_RIGHT right justify; flush to the right margin
= if "fgclr" = NO, the foreground is not modified
= YES, modifies the foreground with the stored colors
= MEM, "attrs.fgclr" is used
= if "bgclr" = NO, the background is not modified
= YES, modifies the background with the stored colors
= MEM, "attrs.bgclr" is used
Notes: The command "command" will revert to ALIGN_NONE if the length of string
"strattr" is greater than 80 (the width of the text screen). Only if
"x" and "y" both equal TCUR, "txt_strattr_show" advances the text
cursor position to one past the last character printed. See Global
Type Definitions for a description of the structure "textimagedata".
Return Value: = character count of "strattr" (which is length / 2)
See Also: txt_attrs_show txt_str_attr_show txt_chrs_erase txt_print
txt_str_show txt_str_show txt_strattr_save
---------------------------------- WINDOW ------------------------------------
word win_define(
Function: Define a new window.
Arguments: =
Notes: None.
Return Value: None.
See Also:
Example Program: None.
word win_move(
Function: Move a window to absolute coordinates.
Arguments: =
Notes: None.
Return Value: None.
See Also:
Example Program: None.
word win_move_rel(
Function: Move a window relative to its current position.
Arguments: =
Notes: None.
Return Value: None.
See Also:
Example Program: None.
word win_scroll(
Function: Scroll a window.
Arguments: =
Notes: None.
Return Value: None.
See Also:
Example Program: None.
------------------------------------ VGA -------------------------------------
void fade_in(void);
Function: Fade into a screen.
Notes: This usually follows a "fade_out".
See Also: fade_out
void txt_fade_out(void);
Function: Fade a screen out to black.
Notes: This is usually followed by a "fade_in".
See Also: fade_in
boolean isit_color(void);
Function: Check if the current display adapter is color capable.
boolean isit_ega(void);
Function: Check if the current display adapter is EGA capable.
boolean isit_vga(void);
Function: Check if the current display adapter is VGA capable.
boolean isit_svga(void);
Function: Check if the current display adapter is SuperVGA capable.
Notes: It is good practice to check if the desired display adapter is present
before using it.
Return Value: = isit_color - TRUE if adapter is color capable
- FALSE if adapter is not color capable
= isit_ega - TRUE if adapter is EGA capable
- FALSE if adapter is not EGA capable
= isit_vga - TRUE if adapter is VGA capable
- FALSE if adapter is not VGA capable
= isit_svga - TRUE if adapter is SuperVGA capable
- FALSE if adapter is not SuperVGA capable
----------------------------------- VGA16 ------------------------------------
void _16_boxfill(word x, word y, int length, int height, byte color, byte how);
Function: Draw a solid box.
void _16_boxfill_xy(word x1, word y1, word x2, word y2, byte color, byte how);
Arguments: = a box with one corner at "x","y", an x-length of "length",
and a y-height of "height" is drawn in color "color"
= "how" determines how the image is placed onto the screen
- COPY_IMAGE superimposes the box onto the screen
- OR_IMAGE performs a logical OR with the screen contents
- AND_IMAGE performs a logical AND with the screen contents
- XOR_IMAGE performs logical exclusive-OR with screen contents
- COPY_IMAGE_SET draws the image and sets to the current scroll
- AND_IMAGE_SET ANDs the image and sets to the current scroll
- OR_IMAGE_SET ORs the image and sets to the current scroll
- XOR_IMAGE_SET XORs the image and sets to the current scroll
Notes: The x-length "length" and y-height "height" can be negative.
See Also: _16_boxoutline
Example Program: This program creates the background pattern using the
EXAMP006.EXE procedure boxfill.
void _16_boxoutline(int x, int y, int length, int height, int color,int how);
Function: Draw the outline of a box.
Arguments: = the outline of a box with one corner at "x","y", an x-length of
"length", and a y-height of "height" is drawn in color "color"
= "how" determines how the image is placed onto the screen
- COPY_IMAGE superimposes the box outline onto the screen
- OR_IMAGE performs a logical OR with the screen contents
- AND_IMAGE performs a logical AND with the screen contents
- XOR_IMAGE performs logical exclusive-OR with screen contents
- COPY_IMAGE_SET draws the image and sets to the current scroll
- AND_IMAGE_SET ANDs the image and sets to the current scroll
- OR_IMAGE_SET ORs the image and sets to the current scroll
- XOR_IMAGE_SET XORs the image and sets to the current scroll
Notes: The x-length "length" and y-height "height" can be negative.
See Also: _16_boxfill
Example Program: This program creates the screen border using the procedure
EXAMP006.EXE boxoutline.
void _16_floodall(int color, int scroll);
Function: Flood the screen all one color.
Arguments: = the screen is filled with color "color"
= "scroll" determines relative to what the flood will occur:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
See Also: _16_floodallall
Example Program: This program floods the entire screen a select background
EXAMP006.EXE color using the procedure floodall.
void _16_floodallall(int color);
Function: Flood a 640x816 region of video memory all one color.
Arguments: = the video memory is filled with color "color"
Notes: The last three lines of video memory are left untouched. The total
video memory is actually 640x819.
See Also: _16_floodall
void _16_linebiglen(int x, int y, int length,
int height, int color, int how, int dimensions);
Function: Draw a line using specific blocks.
void _16_linebigxy(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int color, int how, int dimensions);
Function: Draw a line using specific blocks.
Arguments: = linebiglen - a line with one end at "x","y", x-length "length"
and y-height "height" is drawn in color "color"
= linebigxy - a line with one end at "x1","y1" and the other end
at "x2","y2" is drawn in color "color"
= "how" determines how the image is placed onto the screen
- COPY_IMAGE superimposes the box outline onto the screen
- OR_IMAGE performs a logical OR with the screen contents
- AND_IMAGE performs a logical AND with the screen contents
- XOR_IMAGE performs logical exclusive-OR with screen contents
- COPY_IMAGE_SET draws the image and sets to the current scroll
- AND_IMAGE_SET ANDs the image and sets to the current scroll
- OR_IMAGE_SET ORs the image and sets to the current scroll
- XOR_IMAGE_SET XORs the image and sets to the current scroll
= a line is drawn using the specific block size "dimensions"
Notes: These procedures are identical to "linelen"/"linexy", except they draw
a line using a specific block size instead of pixels. The dimensions
of each block must be less than 9 and greater than 0.
See Also: _16_linelen _16_linexy
void _16_linelen(int x, int y, int length, int height, int color, int how);
Function: Draw a line.
void _16_linexy(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color, int how);
Function: Draw a line.
Arguments: = linelen - a line with one end at "x","y", x-length "length" and
y-height "height" is drawn in color "color"
= linexy - a line with one end at "x1","y1" and the other end at
"x2","y2" is drawn in color "color"
= "how" determines how the image is placed onto the screen
- COPY_IMAGE superimposes the box outline onto the screen
- OR_IMAGE performs a logical OR with the screen contents
- AND_IMAGE performs a logical AND with the screen contents
- XOR_IMAGE performs logical exclusive-OR with screen contents
- COPY_IMAGE_SET draws the image and sets to the current scroll
- AND_IMAGE_SET ANDs the image and sets to the current scroll
- OR_IMAGE_SET ORs the image and sets to the current scroll
- XOR_IMAGE_SET XORs the image and sets to the current scroll
See Also: _16_linebiglen _16_linebigxy
void _16_pixel(int x, int y, int color, int scroll);
Function: Change the color of a pixel.
Arguments: = the pixel at coordinates "x","y" is changed to color "color"
= "scroll" determines relative to what the pixel will be set:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
See Also: _16_pixel_avg _16_pixel_color _16_pixel_is _16_thermal
int _16_pixel_avg(int x, int y, int scroll);
Function: Return the average color of the nine pixels surrounding a point.
Arguments: = pixels surrounding the coordinate "x","y" and the pixel at "x","y"
are averaged
= "scroll" determines relative to what the pixel will be read:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
Return Value: = average color of pixels surrounding "x","y"
See Also: _16_pixel
int _16_pixel_color(int x, int y, int scroll);
Function: Read the color a pixel.
Arguments: = the pixel at coordinates "x","y" is read
= "scroll" determines relative to what the pixel will be read:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
Return Value: = color of the pixel at "x","y"
See Also: _16_pixel
boolean _16_pixel_is(int x, int y, int color, int scroll);
Function: Check if a pixel is a certain color.
Arguments: = the pixel at coordinates "x","y" is compared to color "color"
= "scroll" determines relative to what the pixel will be checked:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
Notes: This function is a combination of the pixel_color function and a
comparison statement.
Return Value: = TRUE if pixel "x","y" is color "color"
= FALSE if pixel "x","y" is not color "color"
See Also: _16_pixel
int _16_popupcolumn(int x, int y, int choice,
int maxopts, char *ptr[], int mousepresent);
Function: Pop up a column in graphics mode.
Arguments: = the top-left corner of the column is located at "x", "y".
= the option number "choice" is active
- the first menu is 1, the next is 2, etc.
- if you always want it to start at the top of the available
menus, make "choice" always equal to 1
= there are "maxopts" options available
- there is no maximum for this value
= "ptr" is an array of char pointers to all of the options
= "mousepresent" == TRUE if a mouse is present (it must have been
initialized with a call to "ms_init()") or FALSE is not present
- if a mouse is present, the left mouse button selects an option
just as <ENTER> selects that option using the keyboard and the
right mouse button cancels, just as <ESC> does through the
- the keyboard commands can also be used
Notes: This function is a simpler version of the function "popupmenu" and has
the advantage of an unlimited number of choices (as opposed to 16 for
"popupmenu"). It is ideal for lists of options, such as a directory
Return Value: = -1 if unable to allocate sufficient memory to hold a copy of the
part of the screen that would be overwritten.
= FALSE if the user aborted his selection
= if a selection was made, the number is returned (top being 1)
See Also: _16_popupmenu
int _16_popupmenu(int x, int y, int choice, int maxmenus,
char *ptr[], int data[][3], char *text[], int mousepresent);
Function: Pop up a menu in graphics mode.
Arguments: = the top-left corner of the menu is located at "x", "y".
= the menu number "choice" is active
- the first menu is 1, the next is 2, etc.
- in the example program, if "choice" equalled 4, the highlighted
menu would be DOS.
- if you always want it to start at the top of the available
menus, make "choice" always equal to 1
= there are "maxmenus" menus available
- there is a maximum of 16 menu possible
- in the example program, "maxmenus" would equal 4
= "ptr" is an array of pointers to all of the menus
= "data" holds necessary information about the "text" array of
- its three arrays are, in respective order:
[number of submenus accessed from the corresponding menu]
[index into *text]
[1 = submenu active, 0 = submenu inactive, determined through
bit positions from right to left]
= "text" holds all of the submenus and dictates which menus are
available to the user (menus that are unavailable will appear
RED and the user will not be able to select them
= "mousepresent" == TRUE if a mouse is present (it must have been
initialized with a call to "ms_init()") or FALSE is not present
- if a mouse is present, the left mouse button selects an option
just as <ENTER> selects that option using the keyboard and the
right mouse button cancels, just as <ESC> does through the
- the keyboard commands can also be used
In Example (ie):
char *ptr[] = { "FILE", "PRINT", "SORT", "DOS" }; /* menus */
char *text[] = { /* submenu options */
(char *)0x000B, /* see NOTE 1 */
"NEW", "LOAD", SAVE", /* submenus of menu 1 */
"BLOCK", "ENTIRE DOCUMENT", "EXTERNAL FILE", /* submenus of menu 2 */
"EXIT TO", "SHELL TO" /* submenus of menu 4 */
int data[][3] = { { 3, 1, 0x0007 }, /* corresponds to first menu */
{ 3, 4, 0x0004 }, /* see NOTE 2 */
{ 0, 0, 0x0000 }, /* corresponds to third menu */
{ 2, 7, 0x0003 } /* corresponds to fourth menu */
}; ^ ^
| +----- the index into "text"
+--------- the number of submenus
NOTE 1 - the numerical equivalent of the hexadecimal digit B is 1011
- from right to left, each binary digit represents a menu
- the rightmost digit represents the menu FILE, designating it active
- the second-to-the-right digit represents the menu PRINT, designating
it active
- the second-to-the-left digit represents the menu SORT, designating
it inactive
- the leftmost digit represents the menu DOS, designating it active
- the rest of the hexadecimal digits are ignored as there are only
four menus as will be specified by the "maxmenus" parameter when
popupmenu will be called
NOTE 2 - the numerical equivalent for the hexadecimal digit 4 is 0100
- from right to left, each binary digit represents a submenu
- the rightmost digit represents the submenu BLOCK, designating it
- the second-to-the-right digit represents the submenu ENTIRE DOCUMENT,
designating it inactive
- the second-to-the-left digit represents the submenu EXTERNAL FILE,
designating it active
- the last bit, and the rest of the hexadecimal digits, are ignored as
there are only 3 submenus as specified by the first number of that
array cell
| DECIMAL DIGIT | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| HEX DIGIT | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| BINARY DIGIT | 0000 | 0001 | 0010 | 0011 | 0100 | 0101 | 0110 | 0111 |
| DECIMAL DIGIT | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
| HEX DIGIT | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F |
| BINARY DIGIT | 1000 | 1001 | 1010 | 1011 | 1100 | 1101 | 1110 | 1111 |
Notes: This is a very useful procedure that prompts for the user's response
using a unique menu system. The menu pops up onto the screen and, when
the user makes his choice, restores the screen. If the user presses
the <ESC> key or, if the mouse is active, presses the right mouse
button the menu closes and no selection is registered.
Return Value: = -1 if unable to allocate sufficient memory to hold a copy of the
part of the screen that would be overwritten.
= FALSE if the user aborted his selection
= if a selection was made, the
- first four bits represent the submenu that was selected
where "NEW" and "EXTERNAL FILE" were submenus
- if "NEW" was selected, the return would be 1
- if "EXTERNAL FILE" was selected, the return would be 3
- second four bits represent the menu that was selected where
"FILE" and "SORT" were menus
- if "FILE" was selected, the return would be 1
- if "SORT" was selected, the return would be 3
See Also: _16_popupcolumn
Example Program: Creates a simple menu system of common program options. The
user can scroll through the menu options with the keyboard
EXAMP002.EXE or, if a mouse was detected, with the mouse. If the user
selects File-Load, some options will be enabled (as in common
applications) and if the user selects File-New, some options
will be disabled (also as in common applications). Below is
an ASCII example of the form of the menu system:
| PRINT +-----------------------+
| SORT |
| DOS |
If the user pressed the down arrow:
+---------+ *** REMEMBER the second and third menu are currently
| FILE | unavailable; that is why they were skipped
| SORT +-----------------------+
If the user pressed the right arrow:
| FILE +
| SORT +-----------------------+
*** NOTE THIS IS NOT A WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
int _16_scrollevel(void);
Function: Read the number of rows currently scrolled.
Arguments: = None
Return Value: = number of rows currently scrolled
void _16_scrollrow(int rows);
Function: Scroll the screen a specific number of rows.
Arguments: = "rows" rows are scrolled
- if positive, scrolls down
- if negative, scrolls up
- if zero, restores video pointer to A000:0000 (default)
Notes: Use "scrollrow" for smooth full-screen vertical scrolling.
void _16_thermal(int x, int y, int length, int height);
Function: Generate a thermal equilibrium style spread.
Arguments: = each pixel inside the region with one corner at "x","y", an
x-length of "length", and y-height of "height" is changed to the
average color of its surrounding pixels [see _16_pixel_avg]
= "scroll" determines relative to what the spread will begin:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
See Also: _16_pixel
--------------------------------- ANIMATION ----------------------------------
void _16_animat(void *x_y_maxx_maxy, int newx, int newy, int index,
imagedata *graphor[], imagedata *graph[], imagedata *segment[]);
Function: Animate any "_16_i_save"ed image.
Arguments: = the coordinates and dimensions of the image to move reside in
the structure or array "x_y_maxx_maxy"
= "graphor" points to the all-white version of the image
= "graph" points to the true-color version of the image
= the image addressed by the array "graph" and "graphor" with the
index "index" will be moved to "newx","newy"
= the background is stored in segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: "_16_animat" replaces the following four commands
_16_restore_bg(icon.x, icon.y, icon.maxx, icon.maxy, bg_screen);
_16_i_show(newx, newy, OR_IMAGE, icon1_graphor[pic]);
_16_i_show(newx, newy, XOR_IMAGE, icon1_graphor[pic]);
_16_i_show(newx, newy, OR_IMAGE, icon1_graph[pic]);
into one more efficient procedure.
This animating image flashes white (as in the example program). This
was my first attempt at an animation procedure, so it works only on
relatively small images. It can be used for unusual effects. See
Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_animat_rect _16_animat_bss _16_animat_bvs _16_animat_p
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
void _16_animate_rect(int *x_y_maxx_maxy, int newx, int newy,
int index, imagedata *graph[], imagedata *segment[]);
Function: Animate any solid rectangular "_16_i_save"ed image.
Arguments: = the coordinates and dimensions of the image to move reside in
the structure or array "x_y_maxx_maxy"
= the image addressed by the array "graph" with the index "index"
will be moved to "newx","newy"
= the background is stored at segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: Use this procedure for animating solid rectangular "_16_i_save"ed images
It was specifically designed for this form of animation, replacing
_16_restore_bg(icon.x, icon.y, icon.maxx, icon.maxy, bg_screen);
_16_i_show(newx, newy, COPY_IMAGE, icon1_graph[pic]);
into one more efficient procedure. See Global Type Definitions for a
description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_animat _16_animat_bss _16_animat_bvs _16_animat_p
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
void _16_animat_bss(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
imagedata *oldgraph, imagedata *graph, imagedata *segment[]);
Function: Animate any "_16_c_save"ed image.
Arguments: = the image at "oldx","oldy" will be moved to "newx","newy"
= the image "oldgraph" is at "oldx","oldy"
= the image "graph" will be located at "newx","newy"
= the background is stored in segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: One row of the background is restored, then one row of the image is
written. Because only one line of the background is restored at a
time, there is much less flicker than restoring the entire background
under an image and then writing the image. For higher speed animation,
use "_16_animat_bvs". See Global Type Definitions for a description of
the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_animat _16_animat_rect _16_animat_bvs _16_animat_p
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
void _16_animat_bvs(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
int id, imagedata *oldgraph, imagedata *graph[]);
Function: Animate any "_16_c_save"ed image at 32-bit speed.
Arguments: = the image at "oldx","oldy" will be moved to "newx","newy"
= each unique image requires a unique identification number "id"
(it is a constant that should not change
= the image "oldgraph" is at "oldx","oldy"
= the image "graph" will be located at "newx","newy"
= the background is stored in segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: Two global arrays required: "memoryidentity" and "memoryaddress"
unsigned int memoryidentity[MAXGRAPHICS];
void *memoryaddress[MAXGRAPHICS];
"memoryidentity" is a unique graphic number for each separate image
"memoryaddress" is an array of video memory offsets for each image
See the example program for a working version.
This procedure reads the images to animate from the invisible portions
of the video RAM and transfers the images to the visible portions of
video RAM through the internal 32-bit data path of the EGA/VGA card.
The disadvantage is that there is only 217088 bytes of video RAM
available, as opposed to 655360 bytes of system RAM. For slower
transfers, but more memory, use the procedures that transfer the
images from system RAM to video RAM 16-bits at a time. See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_animat _16_animat_rect _16_animat_bss _16_animat_p
Example Program: None yet.
void _16_animat_p(void *x_y_maxx_maxy, int newx, int newy,
int index, imagedata *graph[], imagedata *segment[]);
Function: Animate any "_16_p_save"ed image.
Arguments: = the coordinates and dimensions of the image to move reside in
the structure or array "x_y_maxx_maxy"
= the image addressed by the array "graph" with the index "index"
will be moved to "newx","newy"
= the background is stored in segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: This procedure replaces the following
_16_restore_bg(icon.x, icon.y, icon.maxx, icon.maxy, bgscreen);
_16_p_show(newx, newy, icon1_graphor[pic]);
into one more efficient procedure. See Global Type Definitions for a
description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_animat _16_animat_rect _16_animat_bss _16_animat_bvs
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
----------------------------------- IMAGE ------------------------------------
void _16_copy(imagedata *destination, imagedata *source);
Function: Copy any "_16_c_save"ed, "_16_i_save"ed, or "_16_p_save"ed image.
Arguments: = "source" is copied into "destination"
Notes: Both "destination" and "source" must be either "_16_c_save"ed,
"_16_i_save"ed, or "_16_p_save"ed images -- "_16_copy" does not convert
between the three formats. Make certain "destination" has been been
allocated sufficient memory to hold "source". See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_to_i _16_c_to_p _16_i_to_c _16_i_to_p _16_p_to_c _16_p_to_i
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
void _16_move(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
int id, imagedata *oldgraph, imagedata *graph[]);
Function: Move any "_16_c_save"ed image 32-bits at a time.
Arguments: = the image at "oldx","oldy" will be moved to "newx","newy"
= each unique image requires a unique identification number "id"
(it is a constant that should not change
= the image "oldgraph" is at "oldx","oldy"
= the image "graph" will be located at "newx","newy"
= the background is stored in segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: Two global arrays required: "memoryidentity" and "memoryaddress"
unsigned int memoryidentity[MAXGRAPHICS];
void *memoryaddress[MAXGRAPHICS];
"memoryidentity" is a unique graphic number for each separate image
"memoryaddress" is an array of video memory offsets for each image
See the example program for a working version.
This procedure reads the images to animate from the invisible portions
of the video RAM and transfers the images to the visible portions of
video RAM through the internal 32-bit data path of the EGA/VGA card.
The disadvantage is that there is only 217088 bytes of video RAM
available, as opposed to 655360 bytes of system RAM. For slower
transfers, but more memory, use the procedures that transfer the
images from system RAM to video RAM 16-bits at a time. When this
procedure is written, it will provide the fastest graphic moves. See
Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_move _16_i_move _16_p_move
Example Program: None yet.
= === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ==
------------------------------ COMPRESS IMAGE --------------------------------
void _16_c_move(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
imagedata *oldgraph, imagedata *graph, imagedata *segment[]);
Function: Move any "_16_c_save"ed image.
Arguments: = the image at "oldx","oldy" is moved to "newx","newy"
= the old image "oldgraph" is at "oldx","oldy"
= the new image "graph" becomes located at "newx","newy"
= the background is stored in segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: One row of the background is restored, then one row of the image is
written. Because only one line of the background is restored at a
time, there is much less flicker than restoring the entire background
under an image and then writing the image. This procedure provides the
slowest graphic moves. See Global Type Definitions for a description of
the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_i_move _16_p_move _16_move
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
unsigned int _16_c_need_scrn(int left, int top, int length, int height);
Function: Calculate the memory requirement of a "_16_c_save"ed image that is
Arguments: = calculates for an image with top-left at "left","top" and an
x-length "length" and y-height "height"
Notes: Use "_16_c_need_scrn" to determine the number of bytes to allocate to
store a specific onscreen image. See "_16_c_need_wrst" to store a
theoretical image.
Return Value: = memory requirement in bytes
See Also: _16_c_need_wrst _16_c_save _16_i_need _16_p_need
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
unsigned int _16_c_need_wrst(int length, int height);
Function: Calculate the worst-case memory requirement of any "_16_c_save"ed
image (in other words, zero percent compression).
Arguments: = calculates for an image of x-length "length" and y-height
Notes: Use "_16_c_need_wrst" to determine the number of bytes to allocate to
store a theoretical image with "_16_c_save". See "_16_c_need_scrn" to
store an onscreen image.
Return Value: = memory requirement in bytes
See Also: _16_c_need_scrn _16_c_save _16_i_need _16_p_need
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
int _16_c_percent(imagedata *image);
Function: Calculate how much percent smaller (or larger) a "_16_c_save"ed
image is, compared to a "_16_p_save"ed image.
Arguments: = compressed image "image" is used in the calculation
Notes: If the return value is less than 100, the compressed image is smaller
than the equivalent uncompressed image -- if it is greater than 100,
the image would be smaller if stored with "_16_p_save". For examppe,
if the returned value was 40, the compressed image is 60% smaller than
the equivalent "_16_p_save"ed image (this is the average). See Global
Type Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
Return Value: = percentage smaller (or larger) the compressed image is
See Also: _16_c_save _16_i_save _16_p_save
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
int _16_c_read_off(imagedata *image, int offset);
Function: Read the color of a pixel by an offset.
Arguments: = pixel number "offset" is read from the image "image"
Notes: "_16_c_read_off" is used for offset-based reads of a pixel's color
where the first pixel is at offset 0. Pixels are numbered from left to
right, top to bottom. For coordinate-based reads, see "_16_c_read_xy".
See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
Return Value: = color of the addressed pixel
See Also: _16_c_read_xy _16_i_read_off _16_p_read_off
int _16_c_read_xy(imagedata *image, int x, int y);
Function: Read the color of a pixel by a coordinate.
Arguments: = pixel addressed by "x","y" is read from the image "image"
Notes: "_16_c_read_xy" is used for coordinate-based reads of a pixel's color.
For offset-based reads, see "_16_c_read_off". See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
Return Value: = color of the addressed pixel
See Also: _16_c_read_off _16_i_read_xy _16_p_ready_xy
void _16_c_save(int left, int top, int length, int height,
int transparency_color, imagedata *image, unsigned int size, int how);
Function: Store an image from the screen using compression.
Arguments: = the image with top-left "left","top", x-length "length", y-height
"height", transparency color "transparency_color", and byte size
"size" is stored into the memory location "image"
- if byte size "size" = FALSE, the size will be calculated by a
call to "_16_c_need_scrn"
= "how" determines if the image will be saved relative to the
current scroll or not
- TRUE image is saved relative to the scroll
- FALSE image is saved relative to A000:0000
Notes: All of the given parameters are written to the "imagedata" structure.
The transparency color is the color that represents the "holes" in the
graphic where the background will show through. "_16_c_save" is faster
if the byte size "size" is given. The compression algorithm creates
about 60% smaller data as opposed to no compression. However,
"_16_c_save" (and "_16_c_show") are the slowest at handling images.
Make certain enough memory has been allocated to store the image. See
Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_need_scrn _16_c_need_wrst _16_c_show _16_i_save _16_p_save
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
void _16_c_show(int x, int y, imagedata *image, byte how);
Function: Write any "_16_c_save"ed image to the screen.
Arguments: = the top-left corner of the image "image" will be at "x","y"
- if "x" = -1, "imagedata.x" is used for the abscissa
- if "y" = -1, "imagedata.y" is used for the ordinate
= "how" determines how the image is placed onto the screen
- COPY_IMAGE superimposes the box outline onto the screen
- OR_IMAGE performs a logical OR with the screen contents
- AND_IMAGE performs a logical AND with the screen contents
- XOR_IMAGE performs logical exclusive-OR with screen contents
Notes: If "x" or "y" do not equal -1, they will be saved in "imagedata.x" and
"imagedata.y", respectively. The bit "imagedata.how" determines if the
image is shown relative to the screen (TRUE) or to A000:0000 (FALSE).
See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
See Also: _16_c_save _16_i_show _16_p_show
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
void _16_i_to_c(imagedata *destination_c, imagedata *source_i);
Function: Convert any "_16_i_save"ed image to a "_16_c_save"ed image.
Arguments: = "_16_i_save"ed format "source_i" is converted to "_16_c_save"ed
format "destination_c"
Notes: This procedure is equivalent to performing a "_16_i_show" and a
"_16_c_save" (without modifying the video memory). See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_to_i _16_c_to_p _16_i_to_p _16_p_to_c _16_p_to_i
void _16_p_to_c(imagedata *destination_c, imagedata *source_p);
Function: Convert any "_16_p_save"ed image to a "_16_c_save"ed image.
Arguments: = "_16_p_save"ed format "source_p" is converted to "_16_c_save"ed
format "destination_c"
Notes: This procedure is equivalent to performing a "_16_p_show" and a
"_16_c_save" (without modifying the video memory). See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_to_i _16_c_to_p _16_i_to_c _16_i_to_p _16_p_to_i
= === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ==
-------------------------------- PIXEL IMAGE ---------------------------------
void _16_c_to_p(imagedata *destination_p, imagedata *source_c);
Function: Convert any "_16_c_save"ed image to a "_16_p_save"ed image.
Arguments: = "_16_c_save"ed format "source_c" is converted to "_16_p_save"ed
format "destination_p"
Notes: This procedure is equivalent to performing a "_16_c_show" and a
"_16_p_save" (without modifying the video memory). See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_to_i _16_i_to_c _16_i_to_p _16_p_to_c _16_p_to_i
void _16_i_to_p(imagedata *destination_p, imagedata *source_i);
Function: Convert any "_16_i_save"ed image to a "_16_p_save"ed image.
Arguments: = "_16_i_save"ed format "source_i" is converted to "_16_p_save"ed
format "destination_p"
Notes: This procedure is equivalent to performing a "_16_i_show" and a
"_16_p_save" (without modifying the video memory). See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_to_i _16_c_to_p _16_i_to_c _16_p_to_c _16_p_to_i
void _16_p_move(void *x_y_maxx_maxy, int newx, int newy,
int index, imagedata *graph[], imagedata *segment[]);
Function: Move any "_16_p_save"ed image.
Arguments: = the coordinates and dimensions of the image to move reside in
the structure or array "x_y_maxx_maxy"
= the image addressed by the array "graph" with the index "index"
will be moved to "newx","newy"
= the background is stored in segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: This procedure replaces the following
_16_restore_bg(icon.x, icon.y, icon.maxx, icon.maxy, bgscreen);
_16_p_show(newx, newy, icon1_graphor[pic]);
into one more efficient procedure.
This procedure currently provides the third fastest graphic moves. See
Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure "magedata".
See Also: _16_c_move _16_i_move _16_move
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
unsigned int _16_p_need(int length, int height);
Function: Calculate the memory requirement of any "_16_p_save"ed image.
Arguments: = calculates for an image of x-length "length" and y-height
Notes: Use "_16_p_need" to determine the number of bytes to allocate to store
an image with "_16_p_save".
Return Value: = memory requirement in bytes
See Also: _16_c_need_scrn _16_c_need_wrst _16_i_need _16_p_save
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
int _16_p_read_off(imagedata *image, int offset);
Function: Read the color of a pixel by an offset.
Arguments: = pixel number "offset" is read from the image "image"
Notes: "_16_p_read_off" is used for offset-based reads of a pixel's color
where the first pixel is at offset 0. Pixels are numbered from left to
right, top to bottom. For coordinate-based reads, see "_16_p_read_xy".
See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
Return Value: = color of the addressed pixel's color
See Also: _16_c_read_off _16_i_read_off _16_p_ready_xy
int _16_p_read_xy(imagedata *image, int x, int y);
Function: Read the color of a pixel by a coordinate.
Arguments: = pixel addressed by "x","y" is read from the graphic object
addressed by "image"
Notes: "_16_p_read_xy" is used for coordinate-based reads of a pixel's color.
For offset-based reads, see "_16_p_read_off". See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
Return Value: = color of the addressed pixel's color
See Also: _16_c_read_xy _16_i_read_xy _16_p_ready_off
void _16_p_save(int left, int top, int length, int height,
int transparency_color, imagedata *image, unsigned int size, int how);
Function: Store an image from the screen based on a pixel by pixel algorithm.
Arguments: = the image with top-left "left","top", x-length "length", y-height
"height", transparency color "transparency_color", and byte size
"size" is stored into the memory location "image"
- if byte size "size" = 0, the size will be calculated by a call
to "_16_p_need"
= "how" determines if the image will be saved relative to the
current scroll or not
- TRUE image is saved relative to the scroll
- FALSE image is saved relative to A000:0000
Notes: All of the given parameters are written to the "imagedata" structure.
The transparency color is the color that represents the "holes" in the
graphic where the background will show through. "_16_p_save" is faster
if the byte size "size" is given. This procedure (and "_16_p_show")
are the second fastest at handling images. Make certain enough memory
has been allocated to store the image. See Global Type Definitions for
a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_save _16_i_save _16_p_need _16_p_show
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
void _16_p_show(int x, int y, imagedata *image, byte how);
Function: Write any "_16_p_save"ed image to the screen.
Arguments: = the top-left corner of the image "image" will be at "x","y"
- if "x" = -1, "imagedata.x" is used for the abscissa
- if "y" = -1, "imagedata.y" is used for the ordinate
= "how" determines how the image is placed onto the screen
- COPY_IMAGE superimposes the box outline onto the screen
- OR_IMAGE performs a logical OR with the screen contents
- AND_IMAGE performs a logical AND with the screen contents
- XOR_IMAGE performs logical exclusive-OR with screen contents
Notes: If "x" or "y" do not equal -1, they will be saved in "imagedata.x" and
"imagedata.y", respectively. The bit "imagedata.how" determines if the
image is shown relative to the screen (TRUE) or to A000:0000 (FALSE).
See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
See Also: _16_c_show _16_i_show _16_p_save
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
= === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ==
-------------------------------- PLANE IMAGE ---------------------------------
void _16_c_to_i(imagedata *destination_i, imagedata *source_c);
Function: Convert any "_16_c_save"ed image to a "_16_i_save"ed image.
Arguments: = "_16_c_save"ed format "source_c" is converted to "_16_i_save"ed
format "destination_i"
Notes: This procedure is equivalent to performing a "_16_c_show" and a
"_16_i_save" (without modifying the video memory). See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_to_p _16_i_to_c _16_i_to_p _16_p_to_c _16_p_to_i
void _16_i_move(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
imagedata *oldgraph[], imagedata *graph[], imagedata *segment[]);
Function: Move any "_16_i_save"ed image.
void _16_i_move_rect(int oldx, int oldy, int newx, int newy,
imagedata *oldgraph[], imagedata *graph[], imagedata *segment[]);
Function: Move any solid rectangular "_16_i_save"ed image.
Arguments: = the image at "oldx","oldy" is moved to "newx","newy"
= the old image "oldgraph" is at "oldx","oldy"
- "oldgraph[0]" is the full-color graphic and "oldgraph[1]" is the
full-black version of the graphic
= the new image "graph" becomes located at "newx","newy"
- "graph[0]" is the full-color graphic and "graph[1]" is the
full-black version of the graphic
= the background is stored in segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: One row of the background is restored, then one row of the image is
written. Because only one line of the background is restored at a
time, there is much less flicker than restoring the entire background
under an image and then writing the image. This procedure currently
provides the second fastest graphic moves. See Global Type Definitions
for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_move _16_p_move _16_move
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
unsigned int _16_i_need(int length, int height);
Function: Calculate the memory requirement of any "_16_i_save"ed image.
Arguments: = calculates for an image of x-length "length" and y-height
Notes: Use "_16_i_need" to determine the number of bytes to allocate to store
an image with "_16_i_save".
Return Value: = memory requirement in bytes
See Also: _16_c_need_scrn _16_c_need_wrst _16_i_save _16_p_need
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
int _16_i_read_off(imagedata *image, int offset);
Function: Read the color of a pixel an offset.
Arguments: = pixel number "offset" is read from the image "image"
Notes: "_16_i_read_off" is used for offset-based reads of a pixel's color
where the first pixel is at offset 0. Pixels are numbered from left to
right, top to bottom. For coordinate-based reads, see "_16_i_read_xy".
See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
Return Value: = color of the addressed pixel
See Also: _16_c_read_off _16_i_read_xy _16_p_read_off
int _16_i_read_xy(imagedata *image, int x, int y);
Function: Read the color of a pixel coordinate.
Arguments: = pixel addressed by "x","y" is read from the image "image"
Notes: This function is used for coordinate-based reads of a pixel's color.
For offset-based reads, see "_16_i_read_off".
Return Value: = color of the addressed pixel
See Also: _16_c_read_xy _16_i_read_off _16_p_ready_xy
void _16_i_save(int left, int top, int length, int height,
imagedata *image, unsigned int size, int how);
Function: Store an image from the screen based on a plane by plane algorithm.
Arguments: = the image with top-left "left","top", x-length "length", y-height
"height", and byte size "size" is stored into the memory location
- if byte size "size" = 0, the size will be calculated by a call
to "_16_i_need"
= "how" determines if the image will be saved relative to the
current scroll or not
- TRUE image is saved relative to the scroll
- FALSE image is saved relative to A000:0000
Notes: All of the given parameters are written to the "imagedata" structure.
The "imagedata" structure will filled with information about "image".
"_16_i_save" is faster if the byte size "size" is given. This
procedure (and "_16_i_show") are the fastest at handling images. Make
certain enough memory has been allocated to store the image. See
Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_save _16_i_need _16_i_show _16_p_save
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
void _16_i_show(int x, int y, imagedata *image, byte how);
Function: Write any "_16_i_save"ed image to the screen.
Arguments: = the top-left corner of the image "image" will be at "x","y"
- if "x" = -1, "imagedata.x" is used for the abscissa
- if "y" = -1, "imagedata.y" is used for the ordinate
= "how" determines how the image is placed onto the screen
- COPY_IMAGE superimposes the box outline onto the screen
- OR_IMAGE performs a logical OR with the screen contents
- AND_IMAGE performs a logical AND with the screen contents
- XOR_IMAGE performs logical exclusive-OR with screen contents
Notes: If "x" or "y" do not equal -1, they will be saved in "imagedata.x" and
"imagedata.y", respectively. The bit "imagedata.how" determines if the
image is shown relative to the screen (TRUE) or to A000:0000 (FALSE).
See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
See Also: _16_c_show _16_i_save _16_p_show
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
void _16_p_to_i(imagedata *destination_i, imagedata *source_p);
Function: Convert any "_16_p_save"ed image to a "_16_i_save"ed image.
Arguments: = "_16_p_save"ed format "source_p" is converted to "_16_i_save"ed
format "destination_i"
Notes: This procedure is equivalent to performing a "_16_p_show" and a
"_16_i_save" (without modifying the video memory). See Global Type
Definitions for a description of the structure "imagedata".
See Also: _16_c_to_i _16_c_to_p _16_i_to_c _16_i_to_p _16_p_to_c
void _16_restore_bg(int left, int top,
int length, int height, imagedata *segment[]);
Function: Restore a section of the background.
Arguments: = the portion of the background with its top-left corner at
"left","top" and x-length "length" and y-height "height" is
= the background is stored in segment "segment"
- the background must have an x-width of 640, but can have a
variable y-height
Notes: The bit "imagedata.how" determines if the image is shown relative to
the screen (TRUE) or relative to A000:0000 (FALSE). These instructions
store the 640x816 background in memory location "segment"
_16_i_save(0, 0, 640, 204, bgscrn[0], FALSE, FALSE);
_16_i_save(0, 204, 640, 204, bgscrn[1], FALSE, FALSE);
_16_i_save(0, 408, 640, 204, bgscrn[2], FALSE, FALSE);
_16_i_save(0, 612, 640, 204, bgscrn[3], FALSE, FALSE);
See Global Type Definitions for a description of the structure
Example Program: EXAMP001.EXE
----------------------------------- VGA256 -----------------------------------
void _256_pixel(int x, int y, int color, int scroll);
Function: Change the color of a pixel.
Arguments: = the pixel at coordinates "x","y" is changed to color "color"
= "scroll" determines relative to what the pixel will be set:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
void _256_floodall(int color, int scroll);
Function: Flood the screen all one color.
Arguments: = the screen is filled with color "color"
= "scroll" determines relative to what the flood will occur:
TRUE - relative to screen
FALSE - relative to A000:0000
======================== END OF LIBRARY DOCUMENTATION ==========================
To the best of my ability (and that is damn good), I have made the enclosed
programs error free and compatible with all IBM PC clones from the 8088 up to
the Pentium. I cannot be held accountable for the behavior of the enclosed
programs or files and assume no liability for damages either from the direct
use or as a consequence of the use/misuse of this product. Hence, this
program and all information contained within should be used at one's own risk.
This disclaimer is included to absolve me from the legal issues brought about
by today's litigious society.
If you have ANY comments or questions regarding this library or any other
programs authored by me, George Vanous, feel free to reach me via email at
or call me at (604)589-2675 or write to me: George Vanous
8930 Watson Court
Delta, BC
V4C 4T6